Evanna Lynch is embarrassed by her tragic Patronus (which is not Harambe btw)

Sep 25, 2016 08:58

I don't geddit @pottermore...all of my happiest memories are spent in the presence of cats. Why oh why is my Patronus a SALMON?!😟😑 #Patronus
- Evanna Lynch (@Evy_Lynch) 23 September 2016

The actress, book lover and aspiring cat took the recently released Pottermore Patronus test but didn't quite get what she expecto.

+ Joss Whedon, a weasel? )

buffyverse / whedonverse, meme, pottermore, irish celebrities, harry potter, j.k. rowling

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glitterslugs September 25 2016, 02:45:33 UTC
i got a stallion or some shit i fuckin hate horses


(The comment has been removed)

maynardsong September 25 2016, 04:16:22 UTC
IDG how it specifies mare or stallion. Horses aren't sexually dimorphic and a penis or lack thereof, I can't imagine that being part of a Patronus. It's not like antlers. This makes my brain itch.


toxic_illusion September 25 2016, 03:21:27 UTC
How can someone hate horses?! You hate rainbows and cupcakes too, bb?


glitterslugs September 25 2016, 04:05:53 UTC
lmao negl i don't really like cupcakes


toxic_illusion September 25 2016, 04:55:34 UTC


sketchyirish September 25 2016, 04:19:58 UTC
they're fine but i can't stand horse people tbh. they're always so weird (coming from me, a trekkie)


winter_lace September 25 2016, 10:06:50 UTC
as someone who dabbled in being a horse person you didn't lie


ghettoluvpr September 25 2016, 05:21:43 UTC
They smell.


therearewords September 25 2016, 10:46:25 UTC
Omg thank you


mhfromnh September 25 2016, 03:54:10 UTC
I got a "piebald stallion" I call caca del toro. in real life, I'd probably get something ridiculous like a lobster.


comava September 25 2016, 09:21:51 UTC
a lobster patronus is making me laugh so hard


mhfromnh September 25 2016, 13:07:28 UTC
I have a lobster plushie.


maynardsong September 25 2016, 04:15:04 UTC
How can it be gender specific, I can't imagine genitals would be prominent in a Patronus, even a corporeal one. Horses aren't like deer, they're not sexually dimorphic. You won't be able to tell from a silver Patronus if it's a mare or stallion. IDGI. My brain itches.


sketchyirish September 25 2016, 04:18:01 UTC
i got a dun frickin mare
like not even a stallion, a mare
i hate horses and horse people i'm so bitter about this


glitterslugs September 25 2016, 04:44:55 UTC
i hate horses and horse people

lets bond


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