142ed. st.

Aug 07, 2008 23:15

so pRetty i hAd to Eat hiM

[Cal sees the words through shadows on the wall; they were painted on with something-- what?-- before painted over with cheap water-based blue. He leans closer, and... well, he scratches before sniffing the letters before him.]

Dude, that's weird.

Smell is the most sensitive of our senses. [Not that a normal human could sense what Cal can from just one sniff. Just one, and he knows what it was painted in.]

[Blood, for starters. But that wasn't all. The iron of blood was joined by the meaty smell of bone, and the saltiness of musle, the flat scent of liver.]


[Morgan had painted the words in gristle.]

What the hell are you doing?


roger? haha poor bastard, curse, morgan, lace, memory day, morbid, oshi-, damn your... nose

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