there ain't no easy way out

Nov 06, 2011 21:32

Did not write as much as I wanted to today, I'm still about 2,000 words off track on NaNo.  And now I'm at my brother's watching the Stillers on Sunday Night Football.

I'm going to try for more words, but I do not have high hopes.  Send me encouragement?

Also, why you so slow today, flist?  Sunday is usually a little more fun...

Maybe we can pick ( Read more... )

love me!, what do you know flist?, nano, meme!time

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Comments 34

write_light November 7 2011, 03:46:21 UTC
Sam Winchester met Raylan Givens. "Secrets."


norgbelulah November 7 2011, 04:28:34 UTC
With Dean still tucked away in suburbia with Lisa, and Bobby stuck on the phones for Rufus, Sam went to Lexington for a routine salt and burn. He finished the job and stayed a rough and tumble night in a sleepy motel on the edge of town. In the morning his lay put on a fucking cowboy hat and badge and said, "We're gonna keep this nice and anonymous, son, so you get yourself out of here before I get back, all right?" Sam pulled his shit together in five minutes and drove straight to Bobby's. He never told anybody, why would he really, and months later the memory would be lost to Death's wall and the horrors of hell.

Raylan Givens didn't speak a word over a year later when he was called in on an animal attack in Harlan and a familiar face flashed him a badge then introduced his partner. He just smiled real polite and by the time he ran their fake names, the Winchesters were gone.


rillalicious November 7 2011, 04:32:13 UTC


norgbelulah November 7 2011, 04:38:47 UTC


rillalicious November 7 2011, 04:41:31 UTC
OK, now I'm inspired to ask for a crossover too!

Boyd Crowder meets Danny Williams, Pennsylvania.


Lawman AU! norgbelulah November 7 2011, 06:02:55 UTC
"You know, I didn't sign up for this shit, gentlemen. No, I did not ( ... )


Re: Lawman AU! norgbelulah November 7 2011, 06:04:51 UTC
Welp, let's pretend I said Philly instead of Newark... :/

Also, 200 words is not by any means flash. LALALA <3


Re: Lawman AU! rillalicious November 7 2011, 13:39:29 UTC

I love it. LOVE IT. I can totally see Boyd's face. Especially as the sun comes up and Danny's still going.



ozmissage November 7 2011, 15:53:30 UTC
Fringe, Lincoln & Astrid, beginnings


so, so not flash... norgbelulah November 7 2011, 16:35:50 UTC
After sufficiently persuading Olivia and two paramedics the he was completely fine and absolutely not freaked out at all by the near miss with the fungus, Lincoln stopped back at the lab for some things before heading over to his hotel.

Just as he was about to leave, Astrid came in through the swinging double doors, but stopped short when she saw him.

They chit-chatted about nothing for a minute or two but he saw her giving him the same worried, appraising look as Olivia had.

"I'm fine, really," he told her preemptively.

She laughed, but her expression didn't exactly change so much as become masked by her humor. "That seems to be the motto around here lately.

When she asked if he wanted a drink or a bite to eat, he demurred, as he had done with his partner. But she just gave him a knowing look and a confident smile, then said, "You know, you might not guess, but I'm a lot harder to say no to than she is."

Somehow, Lincoln found, she was right.


Re: so, so not flash... ozmissage November 7 2011, 16:40:15 UTC
Aww! That's so lovely. I had such a hankering to see those two interact and this totally hit the spot. <333


Re: so, so not flash... norgbelulah November 7 2011, 16:42:40 UTC
Thanks! I really like them too. I kind of just want them to be besties. <3


dmacabre November 7 2011, 23:01:45 UTC
Fandom: Fringe

Pairing: Anything you like.

Prompt: "Time"



norgbelulah November 8 2011, 05:04:28 UTC
Olivia knew it would just take time. After every case she asked him, "Want a drink?" "A bite to eat?" "Let's get pizza if we're both working late ( ... )


dmacabre November 8 2011, 05:28:32 UTC
Ahhh, perfect. Thank you so much! And it makes me extra-glad I got all caught up on Fringe tonight because everything fits together like puzzle pieces. ;D

"Like everything else here, it sounded impossible and just like the truth."

That line sums up the series so well.


iluvtheukoffice November 8 2011, 02:16:36 UTC
Cary/Kalinda - new office


norgbelulah November 8 2011, 05:09:40 UTC
Can I just give you these opening sentences from your gift fic a little early??

The night after the day Peter Florrick made him Deputy State’s Attorney, Cary Agos slept in his new office. There was a couch and everything and he slumbered beatifically under the heady spell of satisfaction in his own success. It was the best fucking night of sleep he’d ever had.

He wakes the next morning (it’s a Saturday, he’s pretty sure) to Kalinda Sharma’s lovely face hovering over him.


iluvtheukoffice November 8 2011, 12:54:29 UTC
Oooh, goodie! I love the description of Cary sleeping in his new office. The only thing is I will be v.v. sadpanda if this whole "Kalinda suddenly there" thing turns out to be a dream...but I'll still love it. Off to a great start!

So glad I decided to check in this morning before work. Between this and the extended promo for next week's TGW, it was totally worth it! :)


norgbelulah November 9 2011, 22:48:45 UTC
Don't worry about dream!Kalinda, that's not happening. ;)

Alsom where is this extended promo? Was it on tv or on website???


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