there ain't no easy way out

Nov 06, 2011 21:32

Did not write as much as I wanted to today, I'm still about 2,000 words off track on NaNo.  And now I'm at my brother's watching the Stillers on Sunday Night Football.

I'm going to try for more words, but I do not have high hopes.  Send me encouragement?

Also, why you so slow today, flist?  Sunday is usually a little more fun...

Maybe we can pick ( Read more... )

love me!, what do you know flist?, nano, meme!time

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iluvtheukoffice November 8 2011, 02:16:36 UTC
Cary/Kalinda - new office


norgbelulah November 8 2011, 05:09:40 UTC
Can I just give you these opening sentences from your gift fic a little early??

The night after the day Peter Florrick made him Deputy State’s Attorney, Cary Agos slept in his new office. There was a couch and everything and he slumbered beatifically under the heady spell of satisfaction in his own success. It was the best fucking night of sleep he’d ever had.

He wakes the next morning (it’s a Saturday, he’s pretty sure) to Kalinda Sharma’s lovely face hovering over him.


iluvtheukoffice November 8 2011, 12:54:29 UTC
Oooh, goodie! I love the description of Cary sleeping in his new office. The only thing is I will be v.v. sadpanda if this whole "Kalinda suddenly there" thing turns out to be a dream...but I'll still love it. Off to a great start!

So glad I decided to check in this morning before work. Between this and the extended promo for next week's TGW, it was totally worth it! :)


norgbelulah November 9 2011, 22:48:45 UTC
Don't worry about dream!Kalinda, that's not happening. ;)

Alsom where is this extended promo? Was it on tv or on website???


iluvtheukoffice November 10 2011, 12:55:00 UTC
Good to know re: dream!Kalinda! I'm uber-curious as to which prompt you went with, but I want it to be a surprise...

I watched the extended promo on YT. I believe it came from the CBS site but someone put it on YT for those outside of the US. (I'm in the US but the CBS site hates me.) It's similar to the one from Sunday night but it has a bit more C/K in it (a line of dialogue for Cary, some different angles for the shootout). I've been looking forward to these scenes for a good long while and this has been a rough week for me IRL so it is thrilling to know the episode is almost here.


norgbelulah November 14 2011, 19:04:57 UTC
Was it all you were dreaming of? I gotta say, I kind of freaked out. Also, the end. D:


iluvtheukoffice November 16 2011, 13:00:22 UTC
I was growing increasingly bewildered when there were ten minutes left and we were watching Jackie go through Alicia's underwear but there'd been no C/K yet…

But once they showed up, they really delivered! It all played out about eleventy times better than I dared to hope for. I still haven’t recovered. Him walking out at the end was brutal, but I kind of loved even that - so glad it didn’t go the other way they apparently shot.


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