there ain't no easy way out

Nov 06, 2011 21:32

Did not write as much as I wanted to today, I'm still about 2,000 words off track on NaNo.  And now I'm at my brother's watching the Stillers on Sunday Night Football.

I'm going to try for more words, but I do not have high hopes.  Send me encouragement?

Also, why you so slow today, flist?  Sunday is usually a little more fun...

Maybe we can pick things up with a meme?  That I just made up?

Flash fiction meme!  Comment with a fandom, pairing, and one word prompt and I will write you one or two sentences of whatever I come up with!


Ask me anything!  WHATEVER

It's a meme free-for-all!

gif via olyphantastic on tumblr

love me!, what do you know flist?, nano, meme!time

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