it's easy to fall in love | when you fall in love you know you're done

Nov 06, 2011 11:09

I'm having a problem right now, and it's THIS VID.

Or, better yet, this vid down here...

image Click to view

I usually don't like vids, or I don't actively pursue them I guess, but  was trying to find some clips of Boyd Crowder laughing... purely for fic research purposes.  And I found this.  And I love it.  I have no idea if anyone on my flist is into vids.  It's probably been around a while and is old news or something, but whatever.  Watch it.

Also, look out for lyrics to this song in fic titles and other things by me.  Ugh, I can slash those boys to this song all fucking day.

You know which boys.

And those on my flist who prefer het, use this opportunity for self insert.  *g*

bfa: boyd fucking crowder, justified, vids

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