noble_reasoning May 18, 2010 03:28
aizen, misfortune, tension, the proper thing to do, the law, soutaichou, plan would be good, journal, wary, reasoning, pensive, private
noble_reasoning May 17, 2010 23:10
aizen, the fox is a snake, reasoning, the proper thing to do, sempai
noble_reasoning May 14, 2010 00:40
aizen, wary, the law, soutaichou, captain's announcement
noble_reasoning Apr 20, 2010 02:59
aizen, misfortune, fukutaichou-past, the proper thing to do, soutaichou, damn boy, artifact, plan would be good, octava, journal, wary, my pride, training, pensive
noble_reasoning Feb 02, 2010 23:31
artifact, aizen, the fox is a snake, journal, fukutaichou-past, birthday