[Private in Byakuya's journal, as per usual... late night ramblings]
May 17, 2010
The Gotei has descended once again.
Ukitake has been arrested on completely false pretences, and yet we cannot call Aizen on it. Kyouraku says that Ukitake's last order was to not hand over the true guilty parties... For Renji it makes sense. We simply cannot lose another Captain. But neither can we lose the Soutaichou. (Muguruma and Kurosaki however... to me, it is the logical choice.)
Yet either way, Aizen has something he wants. Either way, we are in the most unfavourable position. As things stand, Ukitake will remain in King's Realm. They are 'trying' him with a judicial system unknown to us. Who knows what the punishment will be, or when he will be returned. Or even if it will be a fair trial. Despite my effort, I was denied following as legal council. For all I know, it could be only Aizen and Ukitake in debate with no moderation. (Somehow, something about that possible situation further troubles me.)
The remaining senior Captains must make decisions in the wake of this event, and yet they reprimand the call for haste, going so far to call me disparate and making ultimatums--
* ...No. Perhaps I am truly more frustrated at what underlies this.
At the time Ukitake had seemed to be the best choice for Soutaichou. It was an overwhelming victory for him. Yet - not only as his competition but as a Captain - I wondered. Would he be the best choice in this time of cold war? Would his charisma and experience be enough?
And as I have seen him work over the past two years, I still wonder.
...I should not be wondering about the strength of our Soutaichou at a time like this.
Yet now we are in this situation. The Gotei is not so weak that a time without the Soutaichou will defeat us, but it does need a leader to bind everyone together and lead the way forward in confidence.
Do these thoughts lead to unlawful mutiny against the Soutaichou? Or is it leading to something that is more true...?
Aizen's disconcerting message has also brought uncertainty to my thoughts.
What could he possibly mean by "perhaps we will find a place for you."
*I cannot help but see the strategic possibilities behind that one statement, and yet I could reply with the truth that I know of nothing else but the Sixth.
However, although I know of no better position, I'm certain that Aizen will think of something. (And that is disconcerting all on it's own.)
I dare not lose sight of the fact that Aizen has escaped his justice long enough. I must consider: is there anything I would hold back against meeting that goal?