Breakfast, Garbage, AC, Andrew, Cupboard, CD Cases, 24

Feb 05, 2005 12:54

Okay, that was possibly my largest breakfast ever.  It was an actual breakfast, with actual food that I actually had to cook (French Toast and bacon, in case you're wondering).  Do people do this all the time?  Because it took forever!

Mr. Landlord called and wants to know why no one has taken the garbage to the curb in a few weeks.  I smoothed over the fact that I didn't know that was our job.  Someone has done it since I moved in.  Timing leads me to believe it was First Floor Julia, who moved out a few weeks ago.  Good to know, in any case.

He said the surcharge if I wanted to get a window air-conditioner for the summer would be ~$30 each for July and August.  I'm thinking it will be worth that and the cost of the AC to be able to sleep at night.  I'm so naturally warm all the time that I think I will possibly combust if I attempt to live in a third-floor AC-less apartment through the summer.  We'll see, I suppose.  I don't even know if I could find a job here.

I do wish someone had told me that First Floor Julia moved out and First Floor Andrew has moved in.  Andrew came knocking at my door yesterday, asking to use my phone because he was locked out.  I was a bit puzzled when he said he lived on the first floor.  I think this kind of information would prove helpful to me in not letting psycho strangers into my home.

It is my home.  It's very home-y.  I made a real breakfest this morning and ate it while listening to my "Sunday Brunch Album" CD of classic classical music.  I did a ton of organizing work in my living room yesterday.  After going to Wal-Mart with Rosencrantz (who forced me to spend dollar after dollar), I came home with a little cupboard for next to my recliner and a couple CD cases.

The cupboard was a challenge to put together, and afterwards I felt like writing a strongly-worded letter to the instructions-writing people.  Still, it's up, and it looks great.  The CD cases were something I've been meaning to buy for some time.  I have a few 96-CD ones, and a 48-CD one, and my music, software, and VCDs were all mixed up amongst them, pages falling out everywhere.

By the time I finished re-organizing?  I filled a 200-CD case with music, filled half a 96-CD case with Christmas music and music that didn't make the first cut, and another 200-CD case nearly full of software installation and VCDs.  Gee, do you suppose I am a Media and Culture student?

Speaking of VCDs, I realized that I don't need my set of Season One 24 VCDs anymore, now that I have them on DVD.  I'd love for them to go to a good home.  It's a complete set, one episode per disc.  There are no cases, as I kept them on a spindle, but you could buy a big case for them.  Is there anyone on my flist who has been meaning to get into 24 but missed the early eps and didn't want to jump in?  I'd just ask for postage costs.

Anyway, after I got through the CD organizing, I just kept going.  Although I had told myself I could spend the whole day watching Dr. Quinn, I actually spent the whole day working in my living room.  I still have one box of junk, but everything is all organized and pretty.  I can actually sit and my desk and do work.  Write things, even.  Imagine!

home:neighbors, home:landlords, home:amenities, home:appearance

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