rm_renfield and I are going to Olive Garden for dinner and she's donating her gift certificate to the occasion!
I've done absolutely nothing all day and it's dreadful. I have speeches to grade and reading to do and if nothing else, laundry and a pile of junk to stuff back into my bedroom closet. But no, I watched the last two eps of GG (finally) and Scrubs and I read some of Goblet of Fire and some of Jewels of the Sun and generally laid around.
All day I've felt sluggish, like I've been sick, or I took a three-hour nap or something. Makes my head feel full, you know? No motivation to do anything. If I didn't know better, I'd say I had skipped my meds. I hate that feeling. Perhaps having such a giant breakfast just makes me sleepy!
Anyway, I really MUST leave this apartment and I must NOT spend much money in doing so. I am overcome with financial guilt today. I called up Rosencrantz to see if she wanted to see a movie at the cheap theatre, but nothing really tempted us, so she suggested the aforementioned Olive Garden outing. I now have a schedule and something to do on that schedule. Perhaps this will inspire me to do the dishes.
At the very least, I must take a shower and attempt to resemble a human. Wish me luck.