more health stuff + hair

Jan 05, 2013 20:34

happy new year....! bleh bleh bleh bleh.

King George Square Xmas 2012

yesterday i went to the doctor re: my previous post. i went to a clinic that specializes in women's general health which i'd never been to before, but there was no way it could be worse than the place i'd been going to thus far. what was originally supposed to be a 30min appointment ended up lasting over an hour because the doctor was this nice old lady who could be anyone's grandmother except she happens to be a doctor that loves to talk without end. although she talked and talked and talked, she wasn't the annoying sort. she was actually genuinely nice and was very thorough in discussing and following up all of my concerns. :) will definitely go back to her again.

anyway, i ended up telling her all about the episodes i had in Japan with my feet, something i've never bothered mentioning to any other doctor until now. she came up with a list of things that could have caused what happened to my feet, but in the end it was all just theories since i have nothing to really show of what actually happened. oh well, it was still far more progress than was made at the time at the Japanese hospital. fuckin' Japanese doctors treating me as if i was an alien.... *mumble mumble* anyway, in the end, she thinks that Yaz isn't to blame for the stuff i've been suffering (minus the sex drive). her theory is that what i suffered in Japan has had a lasting effect on the nerves and such in my feet, making them more sensitive to the cold etc. she thoroughly checked the circulation in my feet because i told her i have problem with them, especially in winter, and unsurprisingly my circulation was fine. i told her she should check it again in winter because then it'll be crap, which thankfully she took seriously. seems like every other doctor i've been to would have just been like "umm.... k, if you say so. (whatever)" she ordered some blood work to check out my thyroid glands, mineral levels etc-- things that would affect my blood circulation/extremities.

since she didn't think Yaz was the cause of the leg/feet issues i've had, she said i should stay on Yaz, at least for now. she agreed that having been on the pill for so long now (esp. since starting right after getting my period (she was surprised when i told her i got it at 17/18 btw lol....)) that it's impossible to know if the pill has made my sex drive what it is or if it's just naturally this way. she said she'll look into other contraception methods that are known to have little to no affect on one's sex drive.

either way, will get the blood work results next week.

moving on, yesterday i tried something new with my hair. :) i've been trying to come up with new things to do with my hair for a while now. since i've never (NEVER) had long hair before now, i'm finding it to be a pain in the ass and not really sure what to do with it. yesterday i tried twisting up one side to the middle and then tying it down and draping it all to one side. i've tried a similar style where i tied up both sides and draped it to the side before, but i think yesterday's attempt was a big improvement upon the previous tries.

more photos: side 01 (no hat) // side 02 (no hat) // omake

the hat is new, btw. :) the black:white ratio of it looks really diff irl. anyway, it's now been 4.5 years since i dreaded my hair. w00t!! i regret not keeping lj posted about how my hair's been doing. look how long it is now!

crazy. sometimes i really want to cut off like 2/3 of it so it can be short again like it used to be. all my life i've dreamed of long hair and now i want to cut it off. ;( but.... i'm not sure how cutting works with dreads (whether the only options are all or nothing), so i haven't tried....

since my last visit to Vegas in 2009 in which i visited the lady who started my dreads for the 1st time, i've had nothing but problems with some of my front dreads... bitch screwed up my hair. >:[ i'm still pissed about it. she broke off a LOT around my front hairline and sine then i've been struggling and struggling to keep those dreads from breaking off entirely. a couple are so thin they're made up of just a dozen or so strands of hair which you can see right through. i've tried and tried to "plump" them up with little success. :/ see, crap like this is why i haven't allowed anyone but me to do my dreads. ever. this one exception screwed it up too much.

anyway... because i'm on my last legs with these crazy thin dreads (as well as having a bit of locking difficulties with a couple other dreads), i've resorted to my last option.... interlocking. i bought a cheap latch hook and interlocked the new growth on the trouble dreads. at first it was hard to do and i kept screwing up. i even accidentally interlocked 2 separate dreads together lol...... thankfully it was two of those crazyass thin dreads that i'd considered trying to combine at some point anyway, so i just went ahead and further combined them at the root. of course that left me with a two-headed monster of a dread, which i've twisted together and will try to leave like that for a little while to allow the root(s) to get stronger before cutting one of the heads off. i'll loose my first (and hopefully last!) dread..... *sniffles* ;(

after washing and rolling/interlocking it, i decided (kind of randomly) to braid all of my hair.

this is the first time ever that i've braided all of my hair, dreaded or otherwise. combined with washing and an extra long maintenance session, the entire day was spent on my hair. sigh. but hopefully it'll be worth it. i didn't braid my hair because i like braids, i braided it in the hopes that if i leave it braided for a week or so, when i unbraid it i'll have wavy dreads like this that will last a few days. a bit girly for my tastes, but at this point i'm desperate for my hair to look different from the same ol' same ol'. hopefully i can tolerate the braids long enough to get waves that last....

health, chilblains, hair, photos, feet

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