birth control woes

Dec 29, 2012 21:54

it seems like i hardly ever post publicly anymore, so here's a public post for you.


i've been on birth control for 10 years, basically since i got my period. my mom was paranoid about me getting pregnant due to all the teen pregnancies happening all over the place.

me: "but mom, i'm seriously not going to have sex anytime soon!"
mom: "doesn't matter!"
me: "what? you think i'll get raped or something??"
mom: "you never know!"
me: "....seriously? o_O"

that's pretty much exactly how the conversation went. next thing i know, i've got an appointment with her OBGYN. for the first year or two i took it only because i pretty much had to, but soon i realized that it had awesome benefit while on my period so i decided that made the pill worth taking all the time.

however, there have been times over the years where i've seriously questioned taking the pill. i felt like there were other side effects to it, but i couldn't know for sure. maybe it was just my imagination? plus while i lived in Japan i couldn't exactly consult an OBGYN at leisure (like hell if i'd go to a Japanese one, ugh!!). now, however, i've had enough. i've googled and googled and i am now fairly certain that some of the things i've suffered from are because of this goddamn pill. >:[

- the horrible circulation in my extremities
- the horrible bout i had with chilblains (or whatever the hell it was) in Japan that resulted in unbelievable pain and multiple trips to the hospital
- the disabling foot cramps that i get ridiculously frequently
- swollen ancles/feet/legs
- my almost non-existent sex drive

all of this crap that i've been struggling with for years Google says others on the pill have also been dealing with. many women on the very same pill (Yaz) have even suffered from blood clots, strokes and heart attacks, which has prompted the FDA to make Bayer, the manufacturer of Yaz, put extensive warnings on its product(s). like hell i'm going to sit around and wait for a serious blood clot to form in my leg, or worse yet, to have a stroke!

i'm making an appointment with a doctor to discuss other options for birth control asap. dear god, let there be a better alternative. :(

health, chilblains, personal, feet, sexuality, bitching

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