meme - spot the pattern in my favorite characters!

Jun 27, 2009 18:46

This awesome meme brought to you, thievery. Stolen from alice-montrose. ^_^

List 10 of your favorite characters from different fandoms, and ask people to spot patterns in your choices, and if they're so inclined, to draw conclusions about you based on the patterns they've spotted.

1. Weiss Kreuz - Schuldig
2. Gundam Wing - Duo Maxwell
3. Sky High - Warren Peace
4. Jonah Hex comics - Jonah Hex
5. Numb3rs - Ian Edgerton
6. Numb3rs - Charlie Eppes
7. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang - "Gay" Perry van Shrike
8. The Crow - Top Dollar
9. Blade movies - Blade
10. The Dresden Files - Harry Dresden

I used all boys. There are runners up, too: Agent Smecker and the twins in The Boondock Saints; Eric Draven; Lex Luthor; Vanyl Ashekevron; Harry Lockhart; Ryan Reynolds' character in Blade: Trinity; every Jet Li character ever; ...yeah, I'll stop now. There are always kickass men to choose from. I wish I could say the same of the women in media ;_;

And now, because I need a girls list:

1. Firefly / Serenity - Zoe Washburn
2. Firefly / Serenity - River Tam
3. Daria - Daria Morgendorfer
4. Daria - Jane Lane
5. Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Jane Smith
6. Beauty and the Beast - Belle
7. Terminator (all) - Sarah Connor
8. D.E.B.S. - Lucy Diamond
9. Resident Evil movies - Alice
10. Patricia Briggs novels - Mercy Thompson

Runners up are fewer, and include: Layla and Magenta of Sky High; the character Michelle Rodriguez played in Resident Evil; the Grewalker novels' main character; any female character by Octavia E. Butler; Mara Jade of the Star Wars universe.
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