home again, home again, jiggity jig

Jun 27, 2009 21:31

Also, I'm home safe. I came to Dad's first and gave him and Surin their presents, hung out with the kids, and (OMGYAY!) ordered my new computer. I am so excited! Also, it was $300 less because I ordered it through my school bookstore on the Apple website. Yes, I am getting a Mac. I keep hearing good things, and I am ready for good things.

Also, something more easily carried.

In other news, my D&D character just lost her bff. The NPC (non-player character) who I entered the game accompanied by, and who I joined the pre-existing party of players with, up and left in the night. In better game news, we are about to enter a fierce battle with a slew of wizards. Have I mentioned that I love being a cleric? I like that my attacks heal my friends and hurt the hell out of my enemies. At the same time. *gleeful* Oh--and I got a little figurine to be me on the board during battles.

I love gaming. Also, the Gamers movies by The Dead Gentlemen Productions. Ah, geek movies by geeks, for geeks. Does that mean we have our own brand of FUBU now? Uh...FGBG? Huh. Doesn't have quite the ring vowels give to FUBU.

In other news, I am now paranoid the Bad Draft of my bb_shousetsu story will be put in instead of the late but much improved Good Version. I've also started, quite against my wishes, to wonder what kind of story I'd submit to the Pirates vs. Ninjas theme. I've already chosen a picture for the Picture Perfect theme...that idea is percolating. I hope it settles soon. Ah well.

Finally, I found out about Michael Jackson's death from a few of my friends, who texted me to make sure I knew. I'm of two minds about it, just as I am about Michael Jackson these days. In kindgergarten, I was going to marry that man--so long as my friend Maddie didn't get him first. Later on, he broke my heart when I called his name and he wasn't there ("Just call my name / and I'll be there"--why would he lie?). His music videos were some of the first, if not the first, that I saw in my life. We were a Michael Jackson house. Moonwalker was one of my favorite things ever.

Then he disappeared from my consciousness for a while.

...and reappeared as Wacko Jacko. Doing crazy things, being accused of child molestation, going plastic surgery crazy, becoming more and more of a caricature of who he was. It was awful to see--like watching someone smash himself into a wall over and over and being unable to look away or tell them to stop.

So Michael Jackson is like two people in my memory--the one from when I was younger, and the one who came after. And while I'm sad the first is never coming back, I already knew he wouldn't be back. I'm just hoping he's happy now, since he clearly wasn't before.

computers, friends, shousetsu bang bang, moods

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