Busy Week Ahead

May 09, 2011 01:05

Got so many things going on this week its hard to put them into a list that makes any sense. On top of the usual bills and other boring bits, I am definitely getting my hair done this week if it kills me and it probably will take a lot out of me being firm about this decision but it must be done this week, I have a lot of dead split ends and have been waiting since Christmas to save the money in the hairdresser savings pot to get the cut done so this is the week.
Also this week, Angelica made a start planting up the salad and vegetable seedlings this weekend after Joseph weeded and raked the beds for her, now we have to sort out the annual beds in the front garden which look a bit shabby to say the least. I was thinking of going for just Begonias this year, they are so pretty and I used to grow them a lot when we lived in London but up here the weather is much cooler to you dont get the same amount of show off blooms, still I think it will be nice to be a bit different this year instead of the usual busy lizzies and the like, make the bed along the length of the driveway look nice and bright at least.
I did a marathon listing session on ebay this week finishing tonight in a mass of items going on. I was completely blind afterwards only being able to see haze everywhere, eyes are settling down a bit now thankfully as they are paining a bit but the haze has disappeared at least.
Cleared out Ivan's clothes today, at least two thirds of them were either now grown out of or had rips or holes especially the trousers and jeans with holes in the knees, frays along the bottom edges. We got give three sack full of clothes in Harvey's and Ivan's sizes yesterday, after sorting them all out I did the laundry, today I managed to get through five loads washed and hung out even most of them are put away now, I outdid myself in the laundry department. There are two wet loads now, one in the washing machine having just finished and one folded up in the basket ready to go out in the morning, only one more to go and the basket chest will be empty again, result!
Also today hubby took several loads of rubbish and junk to the tip, it always feels great when we have a massive sort out, Lionel is in the middle of doing his room as we speak. I nearly fainted when he came in and announced he was doing his room to clear space. It must be catching as for the past two weeks I have been raiding the kids stuff leaving Ivans till last for today and getting rid of at least 50% from each child, the bedrooms are definitely breathing a sigh of relief now with being emptier than before I started.
Still feeling enormous and bloated. I hate that feeling but keep myself relatively busy so that my mind is not on it which enables me to eat dinner once a day because if I focus on that I dont eat anything which is not so good because then the pain killers take ages to work if they do at all and I feel even worse afterwards.
Got a heap of dyed fibre ready to be photographed, couldnt possibly get round to it today I was so busy I havent stopped all day its been ridiculous. Maybe tomorrow or Tuesday I will manage a shop update as well, it will be really lovely to get some new colours listed, they do look really pretty its going to be difficult to part with some of them.
The loom-a-long seems to be going well, so many people have downloaded the pattern but only one person finished so far, cant wait to see more knitting appearing this week and next. I have started another lacy item on my loom now and the squares are still flowing quite nicely too, I think I am still on track to finish that secret uni project by the end of July.
Going to bed now, this is night and day five with no breastfeeding, Harvey is already asleep thankfully so hopefully he wont wake up looking for some again, if he keeps this up I will be delighted to get my body back to myself for a change. I have been pregnant and breastfeeding on and off now for the past 22 years !!

kids, garden, mach2, spinning, diet, health, hair, vegetables, knitting, fibre, dyeing, pattern, loom-knit, folksy, house

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