ミュンヘンクリスマス市(Muenchen Christmas market) in Sapporo is held now. Yes, we have a small weihnachtsmarkt here! You might think "Why is it named Muenchen? Sapporo isn't a German city, no?". Because Muenchen is one of sister cities of Sapporo. So we place some German(Bavarian) events here. We don't have Oktoberfest though ^^; I guess it's already too cold
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Mi ciudad natal, Sapporo, ¡es un buen lugar para comer! Hay restaurantes diversos aquí. Las comidas famosas en Sapporo son 札幌ラーメン(Sapporo ramen) y スープカレー(el soup curry) y ジンギスカン(Jingisukan, un plato de carnero a la parrilla) ( SÓLO AHÍ LO PODRÉ COMER )
My hometown, Sapporo is a good place to eat! There are various restaurants here. The famous foods in Sapporo are 札幌ラーメン(Sapporo ramen) and スープカレー(a soup curry) and ジンギスカン(Jingisukan, a grilled mutton dish)