exciting stuffs!

Mar 12, 2007 13:43

It is my birthday today. According to the calendar, I am a grown up. I still feel like me though, so it's all good.

I have had an exciting 4 days. Friday, I got to work and there were flickery lights, and about 9:30, just as I was reaching to turn off my pc, the electricity stopped coming down the pipe. As there were just 2 of us in the office, we debated bunking off. Just as Christine was going to put the kettle on, the alarms went, and instead of ignoring them as we normally do (they go off more than 3 times a week) we pelted outside. Don't know why. There were clouds of electric circuit smelling smoke at the front of the building. I had time to go back inside and claim my handbag, and fret about the books, and then the fire-engines got there. The only thing damaged was the room where the circuits for the whole mill are kept (apparently it looks like the inside of a space ship after a klingon attack. Huge switches and what had been flashing lights are all smoke blackened, and water damaged. No electrics for us!

So we went for coffee, then I unloaded the freezers into crates in my car and took them to the lab. No foxes this time, but parrots and turtles. I feel like I may have brought this on myself by mentioning the frozen foxes last weekend. After that, I got to go home. HURRAH for fires, and very well timed I say.

I'm at home now, because although there's a generator at work, my office doesn't seem to be connected. Everyone else is, but not me. I'm not crying about it. I went in this morning, got cards, had some cake, and came home. WIN!

We had a joyous weekend of walking with my mum and Mup's parents, and eating lots of tasty food. Mup has announced that my birthday is actually next weekend, possibly because of some sort of boy scheduling.

I have announcements to the parish: Happy birthdays to beaniedad and kowt only 2 days older than me!
Thank you professoryaffle and rms. The earrings are gorgeous and match my necklace beautifully.
To all of my flist, I command that you go forth and friend thejasper. You won't regret it. Everyone needs an puntastic, sarcastic dutchman on their friends list. He sings along to both Nick Cave (the murder ballads of course) AND Jesus Christ Superstar. He has perfect comedy timing. He likes a debate or six. He may think that he's some sort of deity, but we try not to mention that to him. The day I met him, he threatened me with a desk, and we've been friends for at least 17 years (I think, is that right?). He's a wrong 'un, in all the best ways.

snapesbabe? You are a star, and I am very proud of you. You GO girl.


me, adventures, weekends, family, friends

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