List will be updated daily or when I get to it.
Interplanetary Relations by
nancybrown Team "alien resembles common Earth creature or item"
Your Guess Is As Good As Mine by
51stcenturyfox Team "trope spoilers" IRON TROPER PENTATHALON
Aliens Made Them Do It by
mcparrot Ianto/Gwen, Jack/Rhys "Aliens made them do it."
Paternity Test by
nancybrown Jack and Gwen "trope spoilers"
Call of the Sea by
arnica S1 team "trope spoilers"
Be Sure to Hit the Up Button by
firesnap Jack/Ianto & Tosh "stuck in an elevator, CCTV, it's a trap"
Golden Years by
nancybrown Team "alien device causes weird aging issues"
Human Arousal Increaser by
missvmarigold Tosh/Suzie, Ianto, Owen "trope spoilers"
We're Smarter Than This by
czarina_kitty Team "idiot ball"
(I'm pretty sure I'm going to that special hell for this one) by
czarina_kitty Jack, Ianto, Sesame Street Muppets "trope spoilers"
Assessment by
czarina_kitty Ianto, Jack, Team "Secret Test"
Amok Time by
aviv_b Tosh/Jack/Ianto/Owen/Gwen "trope spoilers" IRON TROPER PENTATHALON
In Plain Sight by
nancybrown Team + Martha "secretly a Time Lord"
Sharkreef (Or, Why Torchwood Was Set In Cardiff And Not The Bermuda Triangle) by
queenfanfiction Team "Lobster AU, Sexually Transmitted Immortality"
Honey I'm Home by
mcparrot Jack/Ianto "pretending to be married in the suburbs, secretly royalty" IRON TROPER
Got Wood? by
nancybrown Team "Trojan Horse"
True Love’s Kiss by
ms_prue Tosh/Adam "post-Adam Adam returns, True Love's Kiss, world domination"
Me and My Shadow by
nancybrown Team "evil twins"
The Friendly Skies by
nancybrown Jack/Ianto, Gwen, Victorian Team TW, "trope spoilers" IRON TROPER PENTATHALON
Torchwood - A Musical Cliche by
aviv_b Team "musical episode, character is a cat, truth serum"
Somethings Are Going to Change by
mcparrot Team "trope spoilers" IRON TROPER PENTATHALON
You Picked Up the Phone on the Seventeenth Ring by
nancybrown Jack/Ianto "stranded, huddling for warmth, communication problem"
Aborted Dinner #27 by
firesnap Gwen, Ianto, Jack "trope spoilers" IRON TROPER PENTATHALON
Additional fics written post-fest:
Jack of the Dead by
queenfanfiction Team "zombies"
Luminosity by
tardisjournal Jack, Ianto, Tosh, Owen, Gwen "trope spoilers"
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