Torchwood Cliché Fest List Of Prompts

Jan 17, 2012 20:16

Leave your prompts of tropes and clichés at the prompting post. Ask any questions at the questions post. Initial list of tropes courtesy of tropeathon.

Some of these will overlap. Some are staples of 80s-era television. Some go back at least to Shakespeare's time. (Midsummer is a sex pollen comedy.) Some can be downright offensive when handled poorly. Mix and match, add your own. Fic post will open January 25.

pretending to be married in the suburbs
character is taken by the Rift
chained/attached while on the run
everything is a dream sequence
temporary amnesia
three incompetent people and a baby (alien)
poisoning the water hole
the mad bomber has left us one hour to defuse the bomb!
long lost twin or family member
brainwashed to betray
lost in the woods
locked in a haunted house
trapped in an elevator with someone pregnant
held hostage on an airplane
disease or disability of the week, in which our heroes Learn A Valuable Lesson
Fast Food or Alcohol Is Bad For You
Wizard of Oz dream sequence
trapped in cold space and huddling to keep warm
stranded in isolated place that may or may not be an abandoned hunting or fishing cabin in somewhere that may or may not be Canada
Groundhog Day and Other Time Loops
body swap
sex pollen
Aliens Make Them Do It
held up at the bank/Tesco without access to weapons
lost and have to communicate in an unusual way with home
cast turned into children
cast rapidly aged
kidnapped by aliens
one team member left behind or forgotten
truth serum
artefact in the archives has temporary but humourous effect
wing fic
Hush (Buffy ep where no one can speak out loud)
Honey I Shrunk The Cast
hallucinations which are caused by alien/other influence
team member turned into creature that looks like an alien menace
books come to life / team trapped inside a book
mirror universe / evil twins
phase shifting
rumours of team member's death greatly exaggerated
caught out by family member and must put up pretense
Woke up pregnant
Faking a relationship (possibly for a family event)
Discovering fanfic
Discovering fandom
Secretly an alien
Secretly a Time Lord
Secretly royalty
Secretly related
Secretly something else
Pon Farr
Musical episode
True love's kiss
High School AU
Go to TVtropes. Hit 'random'. [Editor's note: DON'T DO IT. IT'S A TRAP.]
Damsel in distress
diary entries / Very Secret Diary
character is told they are really a patient in a mental hospital
surprise!psychic powers
ghost of dead team member / family member
the Old Flame returns
time travel fulfills existing time loop
alien resembles common Earth creature or item, for grate lolz and misunderstandings
"This is why we can't have nice things."
"If I have to come in there, you'll be sorry."
AU of Alice in Wonderland with everyone as characters from the story.
the one night stand that shows up with surprise!baby
Evil children's show that needs stopping
The (not really)ignored/forgotten birthday
This isn't what it looks like
My Immortal
Pokémon AU
woke up married
woke up married in Vegas
woke up married in the Vegas galaxy
everyone is a lobster
character is a cat
character has a cat
cat alien turns out to be a superintelligent alien that outwits the team
cat alien turns out to be a very stupid alien that outwits the team
cat alien is thwarted by the AU lobster version of the team
Star Wars AU, Ianto as Han Solo and Jack as Princess Leia
disease apocalypse
Transported to another country
The Queen is not amused
The Queen is amused
The Queen is kidnapped by aliens
They end up in Australia and find a Torchwood in existence down under
Jack liked Ianto, Ianto likes Jack, but they are too scared to say anything (teenage boys)
An alien device causes them to only speak in cliche's
A truth serum is released, and the only way to get it out of your system is to tell an embarrassing tale
[character] is a spy! But falls in love with [character] and turns coat.
[character] is a spy for UNIT/Torchwood-One/MI-6 or other enemy!
[character] is a clone of someone from the past
[character] is actually someone's long lost relative
The Torchwood team moves to a quaint town in rural Wales where heartwarming adventures among the quirky, yet adorable locals occur
Vampires and werewolves in love!
Laughing gas or something similar is released into the Hub
- while something REALLY bad is happening - angst and humour
- while something really funny is happening
- on an ordinary day when Ianto is in a snit and Owen is winding him up
It was all a dream
Feel the power of my mighty healing cock.
Mine is bigger than yours (and Ianto's is bigger than Jack's but Owen's is massive)
Anything from Xtrick's list of what you shouldn't find up Jack's arse (or anyone's butt)
[character] is secretly (or not) related to Jack
[crossover character] is related to Jack
LOLCATS, or explaining them to aliens
this is why we can't have nice things
Selkie Wife/Husband
The Blue-Gray Trope Storm:
high school pirates who are trying to get pregnant and want a puppy
the coat
the suit
the stopwatch
Jack's desk
Trapped in an elevator
Fuck or die! - (Aliens with...lasers?)
Have to keep warm - snowed-in cabin
Mind-reading/psychic powers
character's abusive childhood bad memories are cured by mind-blowing sex
"It's a GIANT HORSE. It's made of WOOD. What did you think would happen???"
Sexually Transmitted Immortality
the Doctor is someone's father/grandfather
Jack is someone's father/grandfather
Jack is everyone's father/grandfather
post-Cyberwoman angst
post-Countrycide angst
post-KKBB reunion sex
post-Meat angst
post-Adam Adam returns
mid-Adrift porn
post-Exit Wounds comfort sex
post-Journey's End comfort sex
high school/college AU
preschool AU
Girl Scout cookie AU (see Stargate Atlantis fandom for examples)
ninjas and pirates

cliche fest

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