Fanfic Year in Review

Dec 31, 2011 11:04

Another year, another span of countless hours spent writing pornography on the Internet.

9 full-length fics
38 self-contained short fics below about 4000 words
22 commentfics and request fills (mostly porn)
6 drabbles
and 3 yuletide stories
I also have about fifteen short fics out there I haven't de-anoned on yet at various places, again mostly porn.

My favorite story this year (of my own): Rescues. It was a follow-up to a short kinkmeme fill for the prompt "Amy/Ianto, dabbling". It's become the most well-received thing I've written this year, and I still occasionally reread it, thinking about that storyverse and those characters.

My best story this year: The Day the Dragons Came (by Mica Davies, Age 7). It has the strongest plot, thanks to the movie format, and I think it's got some of the best full-cast character dynamics I've ever written.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Leave Me Here, but Farscape is just not popular anymore. More's the pity.

Most fun story: Birth Partner, because the notion of the TARDIS helping River have a baby while the Doctor is completely useless is never not funny to me.

Most sexy story: What to Expect, which may yet end up launching yet another storyverse.

Story with single sexiest moment: Study in Charcoal has a bit that does it for me every time.

Story with single sweetest moment: Care, which I normally wouldn't think I could say about a D/s gangbang fic, but there you go.

Most unintentionally *telling* story: The Measure of Our Sorrows

"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story: Will You Remember Me When I Go?, which shows that the line between "squick" and "kink" is sometimes very thin. I am normally very iffy about non-con and power imbalances, but this prompt came by and this fic wrote itself.

Hardest story to write: When This Long Trick. No lie, I worked on that story for over a year.

Easiest story to write: Yesterdays. I wrote over 7,000 words in one sitting.

Easiest character to write: Johnson. She doesn't get much screen time because it's way too easy to give her all the good snark. Suffice it to say, when Johnson is in the background of a fic saying something snide, cutting (or accurate), she's probably speaking for me.

Hardest character to write: Mickey. I've written him several times since I started working in this fandom and I still don't have a solid handle on his voice. Which means y'all will be seeing more of him because I am going to get this right.

Favorite character to write: Jack and Ianto. Still the main reason I'm in the fandom.

This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most: This year, I think "family is what you create" edged out the win, and since I ended the year with it, I'll name Home, Take Three.

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who's helped with betaing and Britpicking, your efforts have been deeply appreciated. :) I also want to thank everyone who's dropped a note to say hi, your efforts are also deeply appreciated. :D


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