I thought I'd introduce the orphans one by one. Because I am trying to KILL YOU ALL, I will lead with Emelia, who is so adorable that I advise you to take whatever precautions you deem necessary for your well-being before you click.
Click to view
I pride myself on being articulate, but you will note that for a portion of that video I am actually reduced to non-verbal ooey-gooey mumbling. I still cannot watch it without smiling like a total dumbass. And she is like that all the time. She comes out of the box purring and almost never cries. Even when she is hungry, she mostly just grunts and bleats.
For those without video, or simply those seeking more cuteness, this is what she looks like most of the time:
Brace for spotty kitten tummy:
If you are having a bad day, I hope it has improved by now.
She is so trusting she will just lay on her back and purr, waiting for me to pet her. I would think she was sick or mentally defective in some way, except that she is quite active when she's hungry, and she is no less intelligent than the other two. She has already learned to come to my hand, even though she doesn't know her name (she can't hear so well, as her ears aren't open yet). She was also the first to figure out "door" and "climb."
So much purring was going on here.
Eventually, when she's tired of lying on her back, she will roll over and fall asleep. Just like that.
One would think that she is nothing but cotton candy and glitter on the inside, but I can pretty definitively state that this is not true, nor does she poop rainbows. Oh my god. I am afraid the antibiotics have given her a touch of the dire rear. But it is worth it. Precious, little life.
The are all adorable, of course; growing every day and almost doubling their weight, even Timmy, whom Sargon has taken to calling Plissken. (A cat named Fish and now a kitten named Snake? Will this work?) Videos and pics of the others are forthcoming. Also video of me feeding Em and Jack, and How to Poop a Kitten, and so much more.
I promise there is non-kitten news in the offing, but right now I'm busy with that news, and kitten posts are how I am unwinding. Also, I know several of you are having lousy weeks, and I hope this cheers you up a little.
ETA: Because caring for orphan kittens is a little hard on the pocketbook, and because I don't have an enclosure for them when they get bigger, and because people have asked, you can make donations through PayPal. Anything I don't wind up using by the time they are adopted out will go to the vet's office to help care for abandoned animals or animals whose owners cannot pay for medical care.