'til you clear your names

Nov 05, 2015 11:50

A couple of links, gathered from the old flist:

- Max Gladstone writes a Star Wars ficlet: Galactic History, or Galactic Folk Tale? (thanks to
cofax7 for the link.)

- AV Club talks about both Allegiance, a musical about the Japanese internment camps during WWII starring George Takei, and Hamilton. (My favorite song from Hamilton changes daily, but I think I've narrowed my favorite instrumental part to the music in "The Battle of Yorktown" after Hercules Mulligan's verse. And my current favorite musical moment, as opposed to song, is Burr's "I keep my plans close to my chest" in "Non-Stop." I don't know why, but it really works for me aurally. Of course, there are multiple contenders, so that changes frequently too.)

- via
misbegotten: Emma Caulfield has been cast as Cameron Chase on Supergirl.


Star Wars Rebels: Brothers of the Broken Horn
HONDO! ♥♥♥♥♥ He's so great! The episode didn't do much for the Ghost crew (so it was okay that Ezra took the ship for a joy ride because he came back with the needed generators?) and it didn't really teach us anything new about Ezra, plus it wasted that favor for Vizago, which could have been used in a more interesting, plot-furthering way, but I enjoyed seeing Hondo again A LOT. I guess my question is, which Jedi would he try to pass off as his friend? Was it a reference to Anakin, Obi-Wan, or Ahsoka? Or is the glee of it that it could be any of the three?

Arrow: Haunted
I don't care that much about Constantine, but he was fine. He can come back, and it was a nice, in-universe way to get Sara's soul back (maybe if they hadn't killed her off in the first place, none of these shenanigans would have been necessary! but whatever. bygones.) I was actually more excited to see Parker Young show up, and sad all over again that Enlisted was cancelled and never saved. I might require a hands-on-heads moment. *sadhair*

I really enjoyed the Diggle-Lance team up - and how quick Lance was with the cover story when the guards showed up! - and I'm guessing we're going to see Andy Diggle as a clone (wasn't there something about the ghosts only having half the chromosomal DNA they should?) or a zombie. Or something. Also, Neal McDonough is fantastic as Darhk.

Mr. Terrific is also an Olympic medalist decathlete! Woo!

I'm sure I had more to say, but the phone keeps ringing and I've lost my train of thought.


We're having unseasonally warm weather and I'm loving it. For the second day in a row, I'm wearing a dress without tights. Not usually something I can do in November. I'm sure we'll be paying for it in January and February, but man, I wouldn't mind a mild winter after the past couple we've had.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/792218.html.
people have commented there.

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, tv: star wars rebels, tv: arrow, links

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