i dream the city's dreams

Nov 22, 2013 11:19

As I told tumblr last night, yesterday after YET ANOTHER visit to the eye doctor (my eye is healing nicely, btw, and now I have new glasses on the way), since it was only 4pm, I decided to go get my hair cut. As you may or may not know, my hair can take 2-3 hours (once as long as 4, iirc, but that included a double process of dying out the gray and then highlighting over it) when I have it colored/highlighted, but today I just wanted a cut, and since the lady I like (the one I continued to go to after she left the salon in my neighborhood and moved to one down on St. Marks Place) has decamped for South Carolina, I figured I'd go back to the place in my neighborhood where i originally found her. it's only three blocks from the eye doctor.

So I go and I explain about how my hair is wavy and difficult and just...I have a lot of hair. I have Cousin It hair. And it has on occasion confounded stylists. This guy today though, this guy, he was like, "If a hair stylist can't rise to the challenge of your hair, if they don't find it fun and amazing, they shouldn't call themselves a hair stylist."

He told me he came to the US from the (now former) Soviet Union twenty years ago, was educated at military school, was studying to be a doctor, and gave it all up to cut hair. I don't even know.

When I said my hair usually takes at least an hour to blow out, he took it as a challenge and timed himself - 38 minutes. And my hair has never looked more glamourous. I mean, I will never be able to do this, but at least it's been cut.

ANYWAY. Now I want the Bucky/Steve/Natasha hair stylist AU. someone should write that for me. This guy even had a snarky blonde straight woman at the next chair over. She could be Sharon.

I am just saying.


Well, that was kind of discomfiting. Mostly because the show has shown us Sherlock being kind, and compassionate, and occasionally shown us Sherlock having respect for other people's knowledge and expertise. I think the writers - not Joan - framed this incorrectly. I mean, come on, Joan was a high powered surgeon. There's no nice going on there and she knows that. Nice is a poor word choice, and I absolutely think Sherlock is not a nice man and I don't want to see him become one.

If it had been framed in terms of respect for other people's knowledge or work - look, that detective (it was Frank Sobotka! I knew he looked familiar!) was always going to be a dick (who gives out a co-worker's home address to a murder suspect? even a co-worker you dislike? WHO DOES THAT?) - but other detectives might be less opposed to the use of consultants if Sherlock didn't act like every not-Bell cop did nothing but get in their way.

Nobody needs Sherlock to be warm and fuzzy, but there is such a thing as treating the people you work with with courtesy/decency, even if you don't particularly like them or think they are good at their jobs. And given that Sherlock knows his abrasiveness can sometimes make his work more difficult, you'd think he'd take Joan's comments under advisement, or at least let her do more of the liaising. I don't know.

I do think that serial killer dude was super creepy despite the case being kind of a dud.

HOLY CRAP MALCOLM MERLYN IS ALIVE. Lazarus Pit? Something-something Nanda Parbat? Or was he also injected with Japanese super soldier serum? I am guessing that's where they're going with Slade soon.

Slade! With mud on his face in place of his usual mask. Shado being all badass and rescuing everybody! The island being exciting! I think adding Slade and expanding Felicity's role are the two best decisions this show's made overall.

Seth Gabel was highly entertaining (also, I can see why there was talk of him replacing SebStan as the Mad Hatter on the OUaT spinoff, because Gabel definitely resembled him last night) and I was sad to see such a good villain go once he was firing on all cylinders, but I did have a little flutter of shipper glee at Ollie breaking the no-kill rule to save Felicity. Their scenes were sterling. Except for how they keep making Felicity a damsel when they don't have to. Why didn't she call Det. Lance? Or at least change out of her sassy pink dress and heels? I also really liked how they both responded to Diggle being ill. OT3! ♥ Now Diggle and Ollie need to give her some decent self-defense training.

While the Moira Queen trial stuff was ridiculous, I think they might have made me actually feel bad for Laurel, instead of just feeling bad for Katie Cassidy, but either way, they really need to do something about Laurel, because she is a suck vortex in the middle of a highly entertaining show.

Thea! Thea and the boxing gloves! Oh man, can she learn to fight too? And actually become Speedy while Roy is Red Arrow? I would totally dig that! I also am amused at the way her crush on Tommy last season is now incestuous. To go along with her sparky chemistry with Oliver, I guess.

And next episode, The Flash! Though Wally West will always be MY Flash. Bah.

I feel like there was something else I wanted to say, but I can't remember what it was. Sigh.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/617603.html.
people have commented there.

life, we make our own fun, tv: arrow, tv: elementary, you should totally write that, makeup

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