there's no right or wrong, this isn't a test

Nov 21, 2013 11:52

Last night, former co-worker R. and I were supposed to meet up for a movie at Lincoln Square, except that when I got there, it was closed for the Catching Fire premiere. Sigh. So we regrouped (she hadn't even left work yet!) and decided (she suggested!) the theater at 86th & 3rd, which is right up in my neighborhood, though out of her way. So I walked as fast as my short legs could carry me to 79th & Broadway so I could catch the crosstown bus, then continued up to 86th and met her for dinner at Shake Shack (where we had to wait forever to find two seats together) and then we went to see Gravity.

I thought it was good, tense and vertiginous, though I guess all the raves made me expect a little more emotional catharsis than there was. I've always liked Sandra Bullock, though, since I watched Speed every night for a month after it came out on video (oh, god, how long ago was that?), and of course my love for Clooney knows no bounds.

Then I came home and vegged out before bed instead of watching Arrow. I guess I'll do that tonight before Elementary.

It was nice seeing R. We'd kind of fallen out of touch for a year, so it was good to reconnect. Hopefully we won't let it go again for that long.

Now back to the work frenzy of trying to prep for a board meeting with Thanksgiving sitting in the worst possible spot on the calendar. Sigh.


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