take the thorns out of your crown

Mar 21, 2013 11:18

So yesterday at work we had the all staff meeting where they discussed the furlough program that will be put into effect in May unless the government can get its act together regarding sequestration. All we know right now is that we'll be furloughed every Friday beginning sometime in May for a currently unknown number of weeks, which will hopefully become clearer as the rest of the government agencies whose budgets are affected start passing the cuts on down to their funding recipients and subrecipients.

On the plus side, Fridays off over the summer! (We already have casual Fridays, so we were joking about Pajama Fridays in the meeting yesterday.)

On the minus side, 20% smaller paychecks for an unspecified but possibly lengthy amount of time. And my rent is going up in October, though by that point, more permanent actions will probably have been taken here, and hopefully I will still have a job that pays my small but liveable salary in full. I basically can't afford to move unless it's into my parents' house, and that brings its own set of crazy expenses (I'd have to get a car [and insure it], relearn to drive, buy a monthly LIRR ticket, and, oh yeah, claw my own face off out of misery, etc.), though I would probably only pay them half of what I'm paying now in rent.

So I might be cancelling my cable (I have flirted with the idea previously, since I can get shows on the internet easily enough, but sports!), and I guess I'll be cutting back on the Starbucks and the eating out/ordering in, and eating a lot of rice and pasta at home instead. I made rice pudding last night, because I didn't know if I liked it (I guess I do?) because as a kid the texture weirded me out and I wouldn't eat it. And this didn't turn out super awesome, but it's not like it can't be improved. Though I think I'll leave the raisins out. I like raisins, but no.

So if I seem a little preoccupied, absent, or even more anxious than usual, I'm probably thinking about money and employment and at what point I might have to start looking for it somewhere else, which I really don't want to do.

That's also probably why I keep writing schmoopy comfort fic, like Batman baking cookies with Superman's mom:

Baking Cookies with Batman (@ AO3)
DCU; Bruce Wayne, Martha Kent; g; 1,020 words
In which Batman bakes cookies with Martha Kent.

Look, there is just not enough fic (or canon) where Bruce spends time with the Kents and they make him do normal people things like cook and eat and have conversations that don't revolve around JUSTICE and THE MISSION and/or how people have failed to live up to his impossible standards. Oh, Bruce, you sadly charming failboat. I never fail to want to hugpunch you.

Anyway. That's what's going on here at Chez P.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/553855.html.
people have commented there.

life, batman, i fail at glee!, work, my life so hard

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