like stars burning holes right through the dark

Mar 20, 2013 12:07

ugh, work. This day is so fired. Let's just trash the whole week and start over on Monday.


It's Wednesday, and that means book talk:

What I just finished reading

Midnight Blue-Light Special by Seanan McGuire. It's a lot of fun, a really quick read, tighter and faster-paced than the first book, possibly because it has less exposition to weigh it down. I'm not sure the mid-book POV switch really worked that well, but Sarah's voice was distinctive enough from Verity's that I wasn't too annoyed by it.

Cotillion by Georgette Heyer, which I enjoyed. FREDDY. More romance novels should have heroes like Freddy. I laughed out loud a couple times on the subway. The ending was really abrupt, but I find that to be so in most of her books - the hero and heroine admit their love and boom! It's over. No leisurely denouements for Heyer.

I read Hot, Sour, Salty, Sweet by Sherri L. Smith on the train coming home on Sunday, and I enjoyed it, though I would have liked even more about cooking! It was also shorter than I expected it to be, which is one of the perils of reading on an ereader. Even when it provides page numbers, I don't necessarily notice and then I'm surprised. *hands* Anyway, I feel like this kind of ended abruptly as well. I guess I wanted more about how Ana navigated the competing gifts from her grandparents and how that worked out.

I would talk about comics except that everything seems to be mostly set up and nothing much happening, so. I will wait until there is something to talk about.

What I'm reading now

Flora's Fury by Ysabeau S. Wilce (subtitled: How a Girl of Spirit and a Red Dog Confound Their Friends, Astound Their Enemies, and Learn the Importance of Packing Light). It's been a few years since I read the first two books, so it's taken me a little bit to remember everything that happened previously, but I'm enjoying it so far. There are pirates and were-creatures and I like Flora and the world is interesting, so it's keeping me interested.

Secrets of the Best Chefs: Recipes, Techniques, and Tricks from America's Greatest Cooks by Adam Roberts - I don't usually include cookbooks, because I don't usually sit down and read them, but I got this one with a Christmas gift certificate (along with the Smitten Kitchen cookbook), and each set of recipes is prefaced by information about the chef and the time Roberts cooked with them, which is interesting, plus tips about how to do stuff, which is why I bought the thing in the first place. It's not something I'm carrying around with me, but it's nice to pick up and read a few pages every night. Also, there are so many recipes in this book that I want to try, which is one of the marks of a good cookbook, I think.

What I'm reading next

As always, I do not know. Whatever strikes my fancy of the many, many books on my kindle or in piles around my apartment.


So I've been doing a Gilmore Girls rewatch (including a couple episodes I never saw before! The Donna Reed one! The one where Rory and Tristan kiss!) and I kind of forgot that baby!Jared was even on the show, so it was a surprise to see him all beanpole skinny. Dean is still my least favorite of Rory's boyfriends, though. He's a nice boy but kind of a yawn, and I can't forgive the stuff he does later.

I just finished the second season last night, and I'd also forgotten just how dickish Jess was when he showed up, but I still like him best. I think he and Rory had the best chemistry and the most in common and I don't think he was ever as passive-aggressive as Dean was. Logan did eventually grow on me, but it took a really long time, and by that point I really didn't like much about who Rory was becoming and also I was disenchanted with the show in general, so I was glad that she didn't end up with him.

I still think Rory should end up with Paris, a few years down the road.

Meanwhile, I am much more charmed by Christopher this time around (though I still like Luke better), so knowing what was coming in the season 2 finale was even worse. Ugh. And I'd forgotten just how early they'd set up Luke/Lorelai. But it's there nearly from the beginning. He made her a chuppah! He goes with her to the hospital when Richard takes ill! He tries to take out the loan for her when the house is being eaten by termites! He listens to her when he doesn't listen to anyone else. I just ship them so hard, you guys, which is why season 6 was SO AWFUL.

And I'd forgotten how much I love Emily. She breaks my heart over and over. I mean, obviously, I love Lorelai (until the end of s6, anyway), but I really like how they totally let you see Emily's POV, and how Emily's personality flaws and whole way of being conflicts with Lorelai and how alike they are and yet how different, and how that sets up every conflict between them so clearly, and yet usually, Emily isn't 100% wrong or a villain - she's just really terrible at bending or allowing for different ways of doing things that get the same results. And Kelly Bishop is so AMAZING with her facial expressions and body language, so you totally get how hard Emily tries and how she knows she's screwing things up but she can't stop herself from doing it anyway. So, so good.

Plus, Michel and Sookie and Lane and Mrs. Kim and Miss Patty and Babette. ♥♥♥ I think as long as I stop at the end of season 4, and ignore what Rory does in the s4 finale (and what comes after), I'll be able to be happy about this show again. *happy sigh*


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: gilmore girls, books

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