we were so alive

Jan 06, 2011 16:04

Posts I have almost made:

1. a screed about NYC declining back into its 70s state, complete with no snow removal for the outer boroughs and the return of the urine-scented graffiti-covered C trains of my childhood. As much as I'd like to be hopeful about our new governor (Governor II: Son of...), our legislature is so full of crooks and morons that I can't even... I just end up spluttering in incoherent rage. Also, note to hipsters experiencing faux-nostalgia for the "grittier" New York of the 70s: STFU! It wasn't actually better then, you numbnuts!

2. rambly musings on my sudden inability to eat breakfast at a breakfasty time. I bring it with me to work but I end up eating it for lunch, because all I want in the mornings now is coffee, coffee, and more coffee. And then I eat my lunch for dinner. Which is fine, but you know, for all my jokes about caffeine, for years I only drank one (16 oz) cup of (iced) decaf (doctor's orders, which I have been cheerfully ignoring) in the morning, so my sudden desire for 20 oz of caffeinated coffee AT ALL TIMES (during my two weeks at my parents', I was drinking it with dinner) is weirding me out a little. It's not even keeping me awake (much) anymore. WTF?

3. remix! But I am not ready yet to even poll about anything. I'm still kind of in denial that it's that time again.

4. a freakout out about how difficult writing is lately and how I seem to have lost the ability to sketch out a story, or at least know in the vaguest terms what I want to happen or how to get there.

Instead, I'm just going to leave you with a couple of links:

* Batman + baby = AWESOME - this is EXACTLY the kind of thing I was wishing for in my last post. I think I might need an icon of him driving the bus with the baby. Though I would also like an icon of the Black Cat's baby!Terry. Because there is nothing in the world cuter than baby!Terry.

* an adorable, hot, and NSFW drawing of Robin and Superboy making out. Because some things are too pretty to leave to tumblr alone. What can I say? I totally ship it.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/268710.html.
people have commented there.

writing: neuroses, batman, capes and cowls, girl of random thoughts, links, nyc, i am okay with that!

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