in the search for love, in the search for cash

Jan 06, 2011 09:58

Last night, I watched more Justice League, including an episode about a dude who traps other people in their own nightmares, which made me hope for the story
tripoli mentioned to me once, where Batman weaponizes his manpain and uses it against a psychic invader, because that would be awesome and hilarious, but instead, Batman defeated the bad guy by humming "Frere Jacques". Which is awesome and hilarious on a whole different level.

Then there was the episode where Wonder Woman had a fling with a princess - please tell me there is some Diana/Audrey fic out there, about their wild night of clubbing and sweaty ladysex in the VIP room (no doubt with Batman watching), because there totally needs to be. And she - Wonder Woman, I mean - also told Batman that even if he wanted to continue to pretend she didn't know he was Bruce Wayne, he was still taking her dancing, which is another story I totally want to read. ("Batman doesn't dance." "One, you're not going as Batman, two, stop talking about yourself in the third person, and three, I'm picking you up at ten. Don't make me call Alfred.")

Then there was the one where John Stewart is a BAMF and he and Hawkgirl exchanged all sorts of meaningful glances because she was maybe kinda sorta jealous of his hot ex, but not really, and then he broke through whatever mental block he was having about his powers when she was being tortured, so I think they're married now or at least going to have a lot of sweaty, aggressive sex. Meanwhile, Wally bonded with the other Green Lantern dude over ice cream and being beaten with a broom by John's landlady.

I also rewatched the Eggbaby episode of Batman Beyond, which is a classic of the genre (er, the high schoolers tote around an egg/a bag of flour/some inanimate object that is meant to teach them not to have sex to have safer sex not to get knocked up in high school that parenting is a HEAVY RESPONSIBILITY genre, I mean), mostly because of Bruce's reactions to the whole thing (the bad guys are pretty lousy and uninspired, and also negligible). His incredulous, "You brought a baby with you?" (seriously, it's worth it for that line alone) and then, "Is there something you need to tell me?" (among other bits) are COMEDY GOLD.

Please tell me there is fic where Batman is befuddled by having to care for a baby? And can't hand it off to Alfred or Dick or Clark or anyone who might be slightly more inclined to handle one. Or possibly a little girl? You know my weakness for men who tend to have little to do with children being made to play tea party or dress up (he'd be good at that one, anyway *snerk*)! A story where someone could actually ask him why he hates sunshine and puppies! I am amused already. Of course, I'm easily amused.

Anyway, I was pleasantly entertained.

In writing news, Dick is still wearing his pants, though the story is about 800 words longer than it was previously. Jason's getting impatient, though, so I think the pants will finally be coming off. I hope. It was supposed to be quick holiday-y porn! Why did it suddenly sprout emotional complexity? What is that about?


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batman, we make our own fun, tv: batman beyond, you should totally write that, tv: justice league

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