we're overboard and self-assured

Jan 07, 2011 13:07

My period arrived today. Better two days early than two weeks late, like last month. Also, it's snowing. Meh. I just want to go home and curl up in bed.

I watched the Lovecraft crossover episode of Justice League last night, and wow, Aquaman makes Batman look like a marvel of open and clear communication (I much prefer his Batman: The Brave and the Bold personality; there, he's HILARIOUS). If he or Dr. Fate had at any point actually explained what was going on, they could have solved the problem much earlier. IJS. Also, I was surprised at how sympathetic they made Grundy. I always felt bad for him, because he reminds me of the Hulk, but I didn't expect the show to go there. Oh, and I also watched the one with the mirror universe, and I really liked evil!Hawkgirl and evil!Wonder Woman's uniforms. I have to admit, I was surprised evil!Batman went along with being evil, and less surprised when he betrayed the Justice Lords after our Batman was all, "Our dead parents would be so proud!" I didn't like that they made evil!Superman overtly power-hungry instead of just really really convinced of his own right to rule the world rightness. Otoh, I loved Clark and Lex making the deal, and Lex adhering to it. You know there were blowjobs involved there to make that happen. IJS.

Also, since all my posts about Batman are SRS BZNS, I got me a couple of SRS BZNS Batman icons. Because Batman driving a bus while holding a baby is SRS BZNS, guys! I keep thinking of him replacing Sandra Bullock in Speed and laughing my ass off. (I also like to imagine the glare he gives Keanu after the whole, "They're cans, miss! CANS!" incident. Um, possibly I watched Speed every night for a month when it first came out on video and can still quote random bits of it [like the keyword on this icon: "just like driving a really big Pinto." Heh.] I like Keanu Reeves, okay? I always have.) silveronthetree made it for me, because she is a dirty enabler awesome.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/268804.html.
people have commented there.

batman, we make our own fun, tv: justice league, i am okay with that!

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