hope is all our curse and cruel companion

Mar 05, 2010 00:33

elke_tanzer has a link roundup about LJ's latest asshattery. Like many people, I still have DW invite codes available, should anyone want one. Drop me an email address in comments.

In other news, I meant to come home tonight and clean the kitchen, because my cabinet is coming tomorrow (between 10 and 3), but I was so achy and hot and cold and generally miserable that I came home and climbed into bed. I slept for a couple of hours, woke up, discovered I was running a fever (as my usual temp is about 96.6, a temp of 99.6 is, well, a fever), took some advil, and then crawled back into bed for another 90 minutes.

The fever is gone for the moment, but I still feel wrung out and achy. I guess I will get up early tomorrow and do the cleaning then.

I am excited! Cabinet! Soon I will no longer have knives falling on my head every time I open the cabinet above the sink! \o/

The reason I got up at all was to watch the season finale of Burn Notice, which I quite enjoyed. I thought this season did a lot of treading water - the whole arc of who burned Michael and can he get his old life back took up too much time and felt like it was retreading the same old ground - the Victor arc last season was so awesome and neither Strickler nor Gilroy were anywhere near as compelling. No matter what the show, mytharc always starts getting top-heavy and annoying as time passes. However, I knew as soon as I saw Garret Dillahunt's name in the opening credits that there would be AWESOME tonight. And lo, there was awesome!

first of all, SAM! ♥ ♥ ♥ Even if you're not watching for the spyjinks, which I admit to finding highly entertaining (this is the one show where voiceovers really work), you should be watching for how awesome Bruce Campbell is as Sam Axe. When he was all, "no more lone wolf crap" I was like, "YOU TELL HIM, SAM!" (Possibly I also ship Sam/Madeline a little bit. What? Madeline should totally hit that.) I especially liked Michael's "I'm sorry," and Fiona's "was that an apology?"

Next there was Madeline being all hardcore and badass and warning Michael away. "You shouldn't have to pay for your son's screwups." "Why not? He paid for mine." Oh my heart! Maddie was so AWESOME tonight!

And then of course, John Mahoney and Michael and Garret Dillahunt getting his psycho on. I enjoyed that a lot, too.

See, I think the show is fine as a case-of-the-week thing - it doesn't really need the overall arc about the burn notice except in special episodes. It can tie in occasionally, but I don't feel like we need to have these ridiculous escalations every season. Carla -> Victor -> Strickler -> Gilroy was unnecessary.

Now though, it looks like they're changing things up a bit, and Michael will be working for Management. Which should be interesting.


Of all the songs on Tom McRae's new album, the one I have been earwormed by the most is Me & Stetson. I find myself singing blood, blood to the bruise, like wisdom to the long-lived* fool, finally the shame brings understanding at random intervals. It's gotta be the hand clapping that makes it so catchy. I love me a song with hand clapping. Or that bridge, which sounds like it should be done with a big brass section for some reason - I'm not sure why my brain thinks that, but it does. (I keep picturing Addison the cornet player standing up for his solo in the b&w episode of "Moonlighting.")

*I thought this was 'lonely' until
alittlefaith pointed out that it was, in fact, 'long-lived' and I relistened and she was right.


Mac acclimation continues apace. I'm still not used to command instead of ctrl, and I miss F5 being refresh, and - and this is the most annoying one for me - I miss a delete key that deletes forward instead of a delete key that works as a backspace. I'm getting there, though. I guess.

I think I'm going to head back to bed now. Wish me luck on the cabinet delivery tomorrow.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/139697.html.
people have commented there.

life, el jay madness, tv: burn notice, i fail at glee!, music

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