the tree's shadow and your shadow

Mar 04, 2010 09:46

This is probably me being cranky and defensive, but god, I really hate that Diesel ad campaign. "Be stupid." It says things like, "Smart critiques. Stupid creates." And on an intellectual level, I get what they're trying (and failing!) to say (otoh, maybe they're not trying to say that at all, so it is exactly what it seems and just WRONG ARRGH!), but on my gut level it makes me all STAB STAB STAB. And I don't think that's solely due to my own issues. Ugh. It's plastered ALL OVER the subway so I see it EVERYWHERE I go and it pisses me the hell off. No, sorry, you're wrong, Diesel Jeans: stupid maybe gets lucky once. Smart creates. I am so sick of the false stereotype of smart as rigid and uptight and unfun and not creative (and probably somehow immoral, to boot!), and stupid as free-spirited and always right in the end. AARRRGH! MAKE IT STOP! /vent

Whew, okay, I feel a little better with that off my chest.

Of course now I'm going to talk about Psych, which well, stupid is as stupid does, I suppose. SAUL MOTHERFRAKKING TIGH! It's so weird to see Michael Hogan with both eyes again. Heh. Henry and Jeri Ryan! Hee! And Shawn, shouting out to the (so sadly wrongheaded) Shawn/Lassiter shippers with, "We're Shassie!" Plus, Zachariah the coroner (Shawn: "I like that guy." and their little fist bump! hee!) drawing on the dead body and then looking kind of horrified that he'd just done that. Hee!

Oh, show, you make my heart happy.

I also watched last night's Criminal Minds, which made me cry. I doesn't often do that - it creeps me right the fuck out regularly, but it rarely makes me cry, but last night's episode did. Man, talk about your horrific scenarios. *shudders* Those poor families.

I haven't decided yet if I'm going to watch tonight's Jim/Pam baby episode of The Office. I guess if I remember to put the tv on. I will be busy cleaning the kitchen as my cabinet is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I will have to call them later today if they don't call me - they're supposed to call with the window of delivery time, but who the hell knows?

I have a whole list of things to get done for work today before I leave for my FOUR DAY WEEKEND but I don't want to do any of them. Sigh.

Since that meme is still traveling around (when you see this, post a poem!), have a poem:

The Order and the Days

The clear air, the tree's shadow and your shadow,
the order and the days.
Yesteryear's blue rose and the dove of wire.
Your in-tune steps throughout the house,
the mismatched furniture,
the transparent wine of your blood,
the tic-tac of your sleep on another pillow.
to play with marked cards and words
- everything according to the order and the days -
Sunday newspapers, coffee and dense air.
The brown blue rose of the world stripping its petals.
Wasps buzzing hate.
And treachery round and circular like the smoke of your pipe.
You add a black rose to your animal misery,
furiously barren,
emptied of your tenderness in your harsh demand
and, nevertheless,
you are to plant the same crosses and kill the same gods.
Summon deaf death to this, your yellow heart.

~Alicia Galaz Vivar

This was actually very much the inspiration for you are a house around which I am a wind - it's where I started, anyway, before the story went in a different direction. I still want to title a story "Plant the same crosses and kill the same gods," though. It's on my list.


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tv: the office, tv: criminal minds, poetry, tv: psych, don't make me shoot you

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