Fic: My Mama Would Be So Ashamed

Sep 06, 2010 12:00

Title: My Mama Would Be So Ashamed
Author: mummyluvr314 
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Dean/Nick
Summary: Sam shows up with some news and the best argument against running away from home as a teenager that Dean and Nick have ever heard.
A/N: Another installment of the schmoop_bingo  ‘verse for the “Meeting the Parents” square. Title comes from “Last Name” by Carrie Underwood.
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fic, don't mock my world turtle!, i don't even know, dean/nick, schmoop bingo!

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vyrantium September 6 2010, 17:59:37 UTC
O_O! Noooooooo!! It's okay Nick, just... go with it, alright? Please? For me?? *wibbles*

Ah man, this sucks xD Please tell me he'll eventually get over it because they can't breed and have messed up babies and God!Chuck clearly thought it was alright and Sarah must have kind of known a little about it if she looked back into Dean's past and it's not like they grew up together! Please?

This almost reminds me of a story I was going to write aaaaages ago that never got done... only not quite as bad. Because it was going to be about two people who fell in love but eventually found out they were siblings because they were given up for adoption as babies and adopted by different people. That'd be worse for Nick and Dean, except for the fandom seems to enjoy that sort of thing anyway :P

*shoves them back together*

Kiss and make up, kay?


mummyluvr314 September 6 2010, 19:47:31 UTC
Wow. That was a very long sentence. Will you breathe if I tell you things will probably work out? Because chances of that happening are fairly good right now.

That was totally the back story for my first OFC ever. Her real dad didn't know she existed, and she adopted by and then taken from the guy who wound up being her husband's uncle. The best part? After some digging, she found her real dad. Her father-in-law. Very complicated, I know.

*helps you shove Dean and Nick back together*


vyrantium September 6 2010, 21:00:14 UTC
*takes a deep breath*

Sorry, I revert to crazy run-on sentences when I get upset... bad Nick and Sam, making me forsake my grammar Nazi nature for badly structured sentences! :P

I was totally hoping things would work out though, and I assumed it would because come on... schmoop. But it's still sad :P Things were going so well. Sam ruins everything. In canon and otherwise.

And that actually is complicated xD That made my head spin just a little. But yeah, I always thought that'd be a compelling story but it'd probably be a little too out there for the American market, having siblings fall in love with each other... even if it was by accident :P


mummyluvr314 September 7 2010, 18:51:32 UTC
It is schmoop. Very angsty schmoop. It would probably be schmoopier if Sam would fall back in that hole.

Well, the whole siblings-in-love thing has actually happened, hasn't it? Kids are separated and adopted and then have so much in common...


vyrantium September 7 2010, 23:21:24 UTC
I wish Sam would fall back into that hole. Permanently this time :P At least in this 'verse. Maybe on the show too depending on how they write him this season... although I'm not sure anything can make up for the five years of whiny/bitchy/all about me attitude. He reminds me of Pig E. Vil. Seriously.

You know, it probably has at least once. I'm sure it happens down south on purpose quite often actually :P But on accident? Probably. But that doesn't mean it's not too taboo for American audiences. I mean, I think Flowers in the Attic was drawing the line kind of close to too much. Would I be bothered by it? Obviously not... I used to read and write Wincest like nobody's business. But unfortunately Supernatural fans don't make up the entire community :P I think I'm going to stir enough pots by making Lucifer a nice, innocent guy. I should probably nix the incest xD


mummyluvr314 September 7 2010, 23:29:18 UTC
Hmmm... You have a point. Maybe if Nick flicks him in the head, Sam will grow a brain.

Oh, Wincest. The thin that makes everyone else on the internet hate us. Not that I'm bashing it. I've been known to read or write a few in my time. So you could have about 4 million people in the state who might be ok with it... in fiction.


vyrantium September 8 2010, 00:15:39 UTC
That sounds like a good idea actually. Plus if they need a compelling argument to bring Mark back to the show... there it is. He has magical flicky powers that turn self-centered assholes into good guys :P I just wish Jacob could have flicked Ben in time. Stupid Ben. I don't even watch the show, and I hate him... he seems like their Sam or something. Except shorter. And wimpier. And more bug-like. But he has the "what about meeeeeeeeee" thing down pat xD ( ... )


mummyluvr314 September 8 2010, 01:13:23 UTC
Magical flicky powers? Sounds interesting. From what I gather, though, Ben seems more purposefully devious than Sam. And he does look like a bug.

That's not entirely true. I wrote a bunch of Dean/Ellen fics back in the day. You can probably guess how well those were received. But, yeah, it's all angelporn all the time now.

I think it's a matter of knowing or not, and the ability to have children. If there's an innocent life that could be messed up, then, no. But if no one's getting hurt, then have at it. That's my view on a lot of things, too. like those bumper stickers that say, "Don't like gay marriage? Don't get one!"


vyrantium September 8 2010, 01:36:19 UTC
Ha! I want that bumper sticker xD

Yeah, I wouldn't exactly encourage people like that to have kids... but then again a lot of people don't WANT kids. So just because they were a heterosexual couple doesn't mean they couldn't be careful their whole life and avoid having kids. Not saying that's what you were getting at either, but that's what most people argue against when you look at cousins marrying too... and they've done research on that to prove that it's totally bogus anyway. The risk of birth defect from two first cousins having a kid together is the same as the risk of a 40 year old woman having a kid. And you don't see us stopping 40 year old women from having babies although maybe we should... :P People are just afraid of what they don't understand. That's the real issue ( ... )


mummyluvr314 September 8 2010, 02:36:23 UTC
Oh, I totally understand that some folks don't want kids, and that's fine. Even being careful, there's still a risk, though. Speaking of 40-year-olds having kids... have you heard about the - I think 60 or 70 year old who had a baby recently? Not cool.

Yeah. Dean/Ellen. And the main 'verse I was working in was mpreg. but it was better than my season one stuff for sure. Dean/Mary-Sue OFC is never a good idea when you can't write well. I think the entire fandom slashes Bobby/Crowley now, so you're in good company, at least.


vyrantium September 8 2010, 02:52:27 UTC
Maybe a .001% risk if you're careful and use condoms AND viable birth control. But a whole lot of people believe in abortions too. I'm pretty sure if they're open minded enough to consider sleeping with a family member and they don't want kids, they're probably open minded enough to appreciate the option to choose to terminate a mistake :P ( ... )


mummyluvr314 September 8 2010, 03:15:18 UTC
That's true, I guess.

It was the woman. It's one thing to have kids at a reasonable age and then have something tragic and unexpected happen, but another all together if someone purposefully has a child at an age when most are heading into assisted living.

I'm of the mind that I'll give anything a shot once, when it comes to writing. Even the weird stuff. I'm not that into mpreg, but like you said, if it's done right, it's definitely worth the read. And now I'm curious and want to know what your other kink is.


vyrantium September 8 2010, 03:28:21 UTC
LOL! Oh you don't want to know... except you probably do because I was vague. It's in the medical fetish kink realm, and I automatically feel weird even getting into it because people just look at me like I'm nuts... because at face value, it really doesn't seem like a good idea. Except it is :P Kind of like blood play when done right, I guess. I blame Mark for even existing for the blood play obsession... my brain had a thought and then ran away with itself and all of a sudden I had this scenario in my head and I haven't been able to shake it ( ... )


mummyluvr314 September 8 2010, 15:34:03 UTC
Well, Mark's gonna be lending himself to blood play sometime within the next, so at least you have that to look forward to!

I have never heard of sounding. Then again, there's a lot I've never heard of, so it's not that surprising. And you don't have to worry about me running away screaming at the mention of BDSM. I'm in the Super fandom. It takes a lot to get most of us to run away screaming.

One of my favorite fics is Dean/John. Which usually squicks me, but it's so beautifully written and heartbreaking that it doesn't really matter. If something sounds intriguing, I'll probably read it, regardless of characters or kink.

There's Jensen/Jared's dogs out there? I'm officially disturbed.


vyrantium September 8 2010, 15:47:20 UTC
Uh, yeah... in the kink memes, it seems to be one of people's favorite things to do, pairing Jensen with Sadie or Harley or both O_o Sometimes with Jared thrown in. I have no idea why this is so intriguing to people, but there you have it... it's one of the more popular kinks to pop up in the anonymous kink meme :P ( ... )


mummyluvr314 September 9 2010, 16:17:18 UTC
I finally got around to watching the UK version of Being Human. Herrick is my favorite character. I love him and his creepy awesomeness. Can't wait to see what they do with him over here!


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