Fic: My Mama Would Be So Ashamed

Sep 06, 2010 12:00

Title: My Mama Would Be So Ashamed
Author: mummyluvr314 
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Dean/Nick
Summary: Sam shows up with some news and the best argument against running away from home as a teenager that Dean and Nick have ever heard.
A/N: Another installment of the schmoop_bingo  ‘verse for the “Meeting the Parents” square. Title comes from “Last Name” by Carrie Underwood.
Disclaimer: Not my characters. Not my show.
Previous Chapters: Have you seen my Master Post?

Gabriel answered the door to see a tall man with long, graying hair and scary eyes staring down at her. “Who are you?” the five-year-old asked.

“Who are you?”

“My name’s Gabriel. My daddies say I shouldn’t answer the door.”

“Your daddies?” the tall man said. “Can you go get them for me? I have something I need to tell them.”

She nodded and slammed the door in his face, running off into the apartment to find her parents.


“You look the same,” Sam commented, his eyes darting between them.

“It’s a Candidate thing,” Dean answered. “So, you came back.”

Sam nodded and pulled a folder out of his backpack. “I have something you need to see.” He handed over a sheet of paper with a family tree drawn on it.

“So?” Dean asked.

“So,” Sam said, “mom had a brother.”


Sam clenched his jaw. “Did you know that?”

“I don’t see why it’s important,” Dean said. “Unless he’s trying to kill us.”

“Mom had a brother,” the younger man repeated, “who dropped out of school and left home at fifteen. A couple of years later, mom made her deal. Ruby told me to check into the family and mom’s friends, and they were all dead. But this guy isn’t.”

“What makes you think that?” Nick asked, leaning forward to look over Dean’s shoulder at the paper.

“People saw him around, talked to him, hunted with him. I asked around this time, instead of just assuming he was dead when he dropped off the map. Last people saw of him was about ten years ago.” He looked at Dean. “Remember Roy and Walt?”

“The guys who shot us?”

Sam nodded. “They found him a few years back.” He smirked at Nick, who had paled visibly. “Said he settled down with a monster, bred. They took care of it.” He didn’t miss the way Dean glanced at Nick before turning his full attention to the family tree in his hands.

“No,” Dean said, setting the paper on the table and pushing it away. “No.”

“Mom had a brother named Nicholas,” Sam said. “He married a shape shifter, they had a kid. Our Uncle Nick dropped off the map about seven years ago. I talked to a guy who called him the first official casualty of the Apocalypse.” He leaned forward in his chair, looking pointedly between them. “Now, who does that sound like?”

Dean kept shaking his head, a quiet litany of no’s escaping his lips. Sam locked eyes with Nick. “What’s your last name?”

“Campbell,” Nick said.

“It’s not like it’s weird,” Dean said. “Lots of people -”

“You had a sister, right?” Sam asked.

Nick nodded. “Mary.”

“Another common -”

Sam glared at his brother. “Your parents?”

“Samuel and Deanna.”

“You lost track of your family in the seventies, didn’t you?” Sam asked.

Nick nodded again. “I did.”

“You didn’t know your sister got married, did you?”

“She was dating this guy named John when I left, but they weren’t that serious. She didn’t even like him that much.”

“So,” Sam said slowly, “what are your nephews’ names?”

Nick closed his eyes and swallowed hard. “Sam and Dean,” he whispered.

Sam leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms behind his head. “See? This is what I was afraid of. You both would have been so much happier if you’d just let it go, Dean.”

Dean glanced at his brother and smiled. “You think this changes anything?”

“It changes everything,” Nick argued.

“No, it doesn’t,” the hunter argued. “You still love me and I still love you and we still have Gabe. It doesn’t matter.”

“You’re my nephew. My sister’s son. I think it matters.”

Dean blinked at him. “You still love me. You have to love me. You have to pretend, at least. That’s what family does.”

Nick buried his head in his hands. “I… I have to be alone. I need to think.”

“What a coincidence,” Dean said. “Sam was just leaving.” He grabbed his brother and pulled the younger man to his feet, dragging him out the door and down the stairs to the parking lot. “I don’t know what you thought you could prove by coming here, but you didn’t. Nothing’s going to change.”

“Everything’s going to change,” Sam said. “But it’s ok. I forgive you. You weren’t yourself. It was the end of the world, we all did crazy things. It wasn’t your fault.” He backed up to a rusted truck and unlocked the door. “I’m staying in the Super 8 by the highway, when you want to stop by. I’ve already got a hunt for us.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Dean said. “Especially not with you.” He turned back to the apartment, leaving his brother alone in the lot.

Dean climbed the stairs slowly, information swirling around in his head. His uncle. Family. Someone who was supposed to love him and had still chosen to, anyway. Someone who was so irrevocably tied to him that it would be impossible to get away. Dean liked the idea of that, of some permanence in his life.

He opened the door and found his apartment empty. Nick and Gabriel were gone.

fic, don't mock my world turtle!, i don't even know, dean/nick, schmoop bingo!

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