Fic: My Mama Would Be So Ashamed

Sep 06, 2010 12:00

Title: My Mama Would Be So Ashamed
Author: mummyluvr314 
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Dean/Nick
Summary: Sam shows up with some news and the best argument against running away from home as a teenager that Dean and Nick have ever heard.
A/N: Another installment of the schmoop_bingo  ‘verse for the “Meeting the Parents” square. Title comes from “Last Name” by Carrie Underwood.
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fic, don't mock my world turtle!, i don't even know, dean/nick, schmoop bingo!

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vyrantium September 8 2010, 15:47:20 UTC
Uh, yeah... in the kink memes, it seems to be one of people's favorite things to do, pairing Jensen with Sadie or Harley or both O_o Sometimes with Jared thrown in. I have no idea why this is so intriguing to people, but there you have it... it's one of the more popular kinks to pop up in the anonymous kink meme :P

I've read little bits of Dean/John, but I don't really make it a habit... again, it's usually in the kink meme so the stuff I see is probably not all that beautifully written in the first place xD It doesn't squick me out, but eh... if I'm going to read Wincest I'd rather it be Sam and Dean. Why? I have no idea. Although now the warped side of my brain just wants to see Dean/past!John and Sam/past!Mary because he was eyeballing her the whole episode and creeping me out xD

Most people if they know what it is and they haven't tried it themselves (or are not at least really open minded) cringe and think I'm insane... but it gets written every once in a while in the kink memes, so that's something I guess. It usually gets a lot of responses too, so I think maybe it's just an issue of people knowing enough to write it rather than everyone in fandom being freaked out by it *shrugs* If you want, I'd link you up to the one Dean/Castiel/Sam fic I found involving it if you're curious to know what it is... probably a lot safer on the eyes than googling it :P If you're not curious, I won't. I wasn't into the rest of the fic as much, but that part was wicked.

Vampire Mark makes me so happy and I haven't even seen it yet \o/ I really hope they do more with his character than they did with his equivalent in the British version... and I hope they don't kill him... and I hope they keep the supposed partial nudity, but they probably won't. I want Mark ass, damn it :P

I've been so tempted to just take that blood play idea to fic and work it into something because it's driving me up the wall... but it'd have to be Nick unless it wound up being RPS. And I just can't think of anyone to pair Nick with who'd be turned on by the fact he was Lucifer :P Because that's an important part of it. Dean... probably wouldn't be very impressed. Sam... would probably be freaked out. Gabe (who I've always wanted to try and slash with Nick) wouldn't fit very well because I'm sure angels see a much sharper difference between the vessel and the actual angel inside. Same with Castiel. So yeah, lol. I'd LOVE to do it because it's there anyway and it's not doing ME any good... but no clue what pairing to use. I'd write Mark/Misha because I love them so much or Mark/Richard for the same reason but... I've just never really written RPS outside of J2. I don't do it often, even though I read it a lot.


mummyluvr314 September 9 2010, 16:17:18 UTC
I finally got around to watching the UK version of Being Human. Herrick is my favorite character. I love him and his creepy awesomeness. Can't wait to see what they do with him over here!


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