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7Previously at the Batavus house: Mel and Frida had some
sexy fun times on their quick getaway to Twikkii-Tikki Island; Wim enjoyed the last days of his
awkward teen years, complete with some
relatively chaste makeouts with Ramona Sweet; the family held a little
garden party for the town; and Wim aged up and began
doing coursework at SMCC (though he chose to keep living at home). It's summer at last, so let's get going!
We start off with Mel and Frida sleeping in on a day off and Wim still up for the sunrise after working on his term paper all night.
Frida's reached eleven on her LTW of having 20 best friends, so after getting dressed, she invites a townie out for coffee at the art gallery in hopes of making her #12.
It starts out well enough... but quickly devolves
into some sim silliness.
Somewhere in between the coffee shakes, the ladies manage to have a pleasant conversation about the magic that Frida has been working out of the mayor's office. The orphanage, the teen home,
the lovely promenade-these improvements have not gone unnoticed by the townie population!
Mel is all about Frida's magic, too.
Mel: "Your mother and I, even though we've been married all these years? We're still generating some real steam heat, you might say!"
Wim: "...Thanks, Dad."
Sometimes it's easier to spend time with your parents when you're just standing side by side, fishing, and not talking.
At 6PM, Mel turns grey!
And Frida joins him in elderhood as soon as she gets home from her coffee date. They're a sharp-looking pair, even in their old age.
What's Frida so happy about?
Just staring at her husband while he sleeps... (OK, it's... cute!)
Mel's post-kissing face.
Wim makes breakfast for his parents while they coo at each other upstairs.
Frida fills her son in on some of her recent vacation activities.
"And you would not believe what your father can do in a pair of thongs!"
W: *contemplates dorm life in a more serious fashion*
Mel's LTW is to reach his Golden Anniversary, so they throw another party in the garden and invite their friends and family.
With a toast to his beautiful wife and partner, Mel reaches perma-plat!
Love is really in the air all over, and the guests get frisky.
In the middle of a nice chat with Dr. Jamie Tang, Piet suddenly catches on to the fact that his husband Jasper may have been
less than faithful.
Oh Jasper, this was bound to catch up to you sooner or later. To be continued...
They break out the limbo pole.
Frida: No one saw that, right? Yeah, I bet no one saw that.
Frida: I'm just gonna play it reallll cool... yeah.
F: "Awww, phooey to all y'all!"
Wim: "So I hear SMCC is offering some really attractively priced housing packages these days..."
It was a lovely party, and a wonderful way for the mayor to spend some time with her people.
And the night gets even better as Wim generously
volunteers to do the cleanup. What a good son!
In addition to their recent
redecorating downstairs, the upstairs bathroom gets a little facelift (though Frida is itching to change the walls now that she's seen how badly they clash with her husband's pajamas...).
Time to check in on Batavus Fish Market!
They manage to get to Rank 6 but are so distracted by some annoying flaws in their restocking system that they decide to close up shop pretty quickly and return home to enjoy the rest of the day. They are much too old to worry about chasing down misplaced signs on the edge of the lot!
Mel's taken up blogging, while Frida spends a lot of evenings calling up friends and potential friends. "Just checking in on the constituents," she likes to say.
But everyone always makes sure to stop what they're doing and gather for a family dinner. Frida's learning to make macaroni and cheese tonight.
Mel can't help but admire his wife-she still makes his heart skip a beat at the most unexpected of times.
They may be oversharers on occasion, but Wim's got to admit that these two really have something figured out.
- In an effort to make my way through the households more quickly (and hopefully, to get posts out more than once a year per family!), I've decided to shorten my play rounds again. So now I'll be doing two rounds per season, which will mean somewhere between two and three days for each half of a five-day season. I'm not going to be too strict about making sure to switch households at the exact same time in the middle of the third day-just somewhere halfway through the season. I think this will be a good change of pace, since I do get anxious to see what all my families are up to. Hope you enjoy the change, too!
- Not too much from Wim this time-he didn't roll a single college-related want, so he didn't do any work or visit campus at all. He's probably ready to move into a dorm for the rest of the summer!
- And be sure to check out my BACC Bonus Pics tag at my simblr if you'd like to catch extra bits that I couldn't stuff into the main post! I always take a million pictures, so tumblr is picking up the slack.
-Oh, and also: I'm not through with Round 7 at the asylum. But since those guys are cut off from the rest of town, I'm not overly concerned about letting them fall out of sync a little. We'll hopefully catch up with them before too long.
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