Round 6 (winter): Batavus

Jan 17, 2012 12:19

O HAI THERE! Looks who's simming again! :D
When we last saw our founding family, so very, very long ago: Frida successfully spearheaded a fundraising drive for the community college; Penelope grew up and moved out; and everyone had the flu. Now as the town enters its second winter, Frida and Mel are closing in on their empty nest years, and Wim is getting used to being a teen.

For example, he's been practicing all the smooth moves his brother Piet taught him.

The part where you punch girls you like is his specialty.

Yardbird: *is judging*

"Whatever, nerds."

You know, if Amy Tang weren't back, I'm not sure I'd really know I was playing the same game...

Amy and Wim go way back. He's been waiting for this moment for a long time. And unfortunately for Amy Tang, I've installed the burglar-fighting mod since her last visit. Not that she won't give as good as she gets, of course.

Ka-Pow! Window SMACK! You know that's gotta hurt.

But Wim comes out on top in the end, and Amy has to give up the goods.

But she is not happy about it. Oh no, she is not. She will remember this. Just... watch yourself, is what I'm saying, Wim.

Mel practices his daily affirmations in the mirror before work.

"And doggone it, people like me."

Frida's upgraded carpool is pretty slick, but it doesn't last too long. She gets a chance card at work that bumps her up to mayor slightly ahead of schedule, so she rides home via helicopter.

(And when did this clown get his pilot's license?)

Look at your little town, Frida! It's growing!

HBIC. Fo' real.

In honor of her new status as mayor, and as a mini middle-aged makeover, Frida gets a sleek new haircut. Lookin' sharp, lady!

Mel thinks she looks smashing, but what else is new?

Wim's bad luck rubs off on Eustacia, and they enjoy a little synchronized poison ivy.


After a generous coating of calamine lotion, he gets in some last fishing before the canal freezes over for the winter (in Piet's old coat! Aw, teen Piet.).

With just Wim left at home (and for not all that much longer, either), I was toying with the idea of Frida having a change-of-life baby for a while. But it's actually been kind of nice to have more time to focus on Frida and Mel for once. They've decided to start entertaining more and kick things off with a party to celebrate Frida's promotion to mayor. (Also: groin kick!)

Without little ones to worry about, they can enjoy having friends and family over for a fun evening just about any time they please. Not too shabby!
"I'm gonna toast all up in your face," says everybody.

Mel always did say it's not a real party until something's burning. So.

First Day of Mayoring!

Wim and Eustacia head over to Milo's bar for some karaoke after school.

They're awful cute, but I think they'll stay mostly friends. Ramona is the girl who really makes his heart go aflutter at the end of the day-- though he does keep bringing Eustacia home from school. Eh, they're buddies.

The night after their big party, Frida has a few guests over for an informal visit.

Including their sort-of grandson, Grover! Mel, ever the family sim, is delighted to spend some time with the little guy.

And it seems the feeling is mutual!

"Later that night..."

Oh, Amy. So, what have we learned here today?

Yeah, I know. We're getting there.

I know! It won't be much longer, I swear!

Penelope's old room gets dismantled to become part of the new master suite as a reading/exercise nook. Aw. :(  But yay for fit and literary parents!

And just in time, too: Frida's got some junk in the trunk after all of that party food. It doesn't sit well with her fitness OTH, so onto the bike she goes.

This is her idea of a cool-down. It certainly looks effective.

When Wim gets home from school on Friday, he and Frida head down the street to Batavus Fish. Up to this point, Mel and Penelope had been the ones in charge of running the business; but with the whole weekend ahead to do homework, Frida figured today would be a good time for Wim to get some practice at the register.

And he definitely could use it. Watch out, Wim. That's your girlfriend getting all steamed back there!

Oh, Ramona. Cool yer pants.

After another shift over the weekend, the business makes it to Rank 5. It's been slow going, climbing up the ranks, since both Frida and Mel have jobs; but no one seems to mind too much.

One last party for the season, this time as an excuse to welcome the town's new doctor.
Frida: "Er, by the way, you might want to consider investing in a wall safe or something for your office. We've been having a slight problem with home invasion lately..."
Jamie Tang: "... You don't say..."

Meanwhile, off in this or that corner,

Hmm, I say. Hmm.

They may be done having babies, but I think it's safe to say things are going well for the Batavus family.

Notes: It's been so long, no?! Doesn't Frida look sharp with her new 'do? It's so swingy and chic. As far as mayor things go, I'm working on the town hall now, which should be ready for a wedding (or two?) this round. And Tabitha's daycare is coming along as well, though I think I might move on to Piet and Penelope's houses first since I'm starting to get a little decorated out at the moment. What else? Erm, I don't know, but it's nice to be back! Yay!

Previous Entries
Preface     Meet the Settlers 
Round 1 (Fall):  Sweet |  Batavus pt.1/ pt.2 |  McKim/Mead |  Snowe
Round 2 (Winter): Batavus |  Sweet |  McKim/Mead |  Snowe
Round 3 (Spring): Batavus |  Batavus/Mead |  Sweet | McKim |  Snowe
Round 4 (Summer): Batavus |  Batavus/Mead |  Sweet | McKim |  Snowe |  Castaway
Round 5 (Fall): Batavus |  Batavus/Mead |  Sweet |  McKim |  Snowe |  Castaway |  Asylum 1 - 2 - 3

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