
Feb 05, 2012 00:00

History (spoilers)
This is a terrible recap of the story, why would you want to read this.

Hubert is the second son of the feudal lord Aston Lhant and the younger brother of Asbel, whose comparatively brash nature often gets the two of them into trouble. Said brash nature leads them to Sophie, an amnesiac girl they take back to Lhant and whom Asbel decides to "keep," much to Cheria's jealousy. Sophie follows the children around, aiding them to fend off monsters that Aston meant to take care of in order to protect a guest, Prince Richard. Asbel disobeys his father and meets Richard with the others, and even manages to save him from an attempted assassination. With news of the ailing king, however, Aston tells Richard that he must immediately return to Balonia and takes Hubert with him -- to meet Hubert's new father, a man of the Ozwell family in Strahta.

As Asbel disobeys his father and comes to Balonia despite being grounded, the rest of the children reunite with Hubert. Richard "invites" them to the castle, via an alternate passage to the main entrance. However, he never shows that night, and Asbel takes the group inside himself, where they find Richard unconscious. A monster appears and knocks Hubert and Cheria unconscious with one blow, and Sophie gives her life to save Asbel. Asbel doesn't see his brother again for the rest of his childhood, as by the time he regains consciousness, Hubert is on his way to or already with the Ozwells in Strahta.

Deeply bitter over his adoption, Hubert works hard for the next seven years. As a major of the army, he returns to Lhant and defends it from Fendel in accordance to an alliance between Windol and Strahta. Asbel's attempts at catching up are thrown back at him when Hubert gives him the cold shoulder and reports that he is now officially in charge of Lhant. They duel for that right, leading to Asbel's exile from his own hometown. Hubert doesn't give the banishment a second thought, even when their mother, Kelly, begs to know why he'd do such a thing.

Asbel eventually sneaks back in order to convince Hubert that Lhant must be returned to Windol, but his brother remains uncooperative. Richard prematurely breaks his agreement with Asbel and invades Lhant, wounding Hubert in the process. When he's about to strike Asbel, an amnesiac girl identical to Sophie interferes and draws energy from Hubert, which restores her memories and reveals that she is indeed Sophie. Asbel strikes Richard, forcing him to flee.

The "reunion" is short-lived as Hubert is recalled to Strahta. Asbel reasons that someone strong enough to protect Lhant must be in charge, so he offers to go in Hubert's stead. His subordinate and adoptive cousin, Raymond, takes offense and argues that this doesn't benefit their family, but Hubert is intent on doing what is best for Lhant. Enraged, Raymond plots to keep Asbel from reaching Strahta and imprisons Cheria for listening in. He blackmails Asbel with her whereabouts, which ultimately fails when Hubert catches him red-handed. Feeling cornered, Raymond attempts to commit suicide, but Hubert has his cousin's fatal injury tended to after telling Asbel to go find Cheria.

Hubert is relieved to see that Cheria is well, who forgives Raymond and heals him. As the group finally departs for Strahta, Hubert gives them a bag of pepper, which helps them bypass a problem with the Rockgagan. Asbel and company wind up fixing the Valkynes Criath in Strahta, though Richard comes in and robs it of its energy. He's done the same with the Valkynes Criath in Windol, as Hubert, having arrived in Strahta himself, reports. The president allows Hubert to join the team in an investigation of Fendel's Valkynes Criath, where they arrive after going through the coliseum port.

In Fendel, Hubert's suspicions toward Pascal and Malik reach great heights as they reveal that they're natives of the nation, with Pascal being a member of the Anmarcian clan. His opinion of Pascal takes a sharp turn when she saves him from a potentially fatal blow of a boar on their way to Anmarcia, however. Once they reach the village, Poisson, a younger sister figure to Pascal, points them in the direction of a facility where her eldest sister, Fourier, is conducting research on the Valkynes Criath. Pascal tries to stop her due to its flaws, but Fourier leaves them no choice but to take the matter up with Kurtz. On their way out, Pascal is noticeably feeling down over her ugly encounter with Fourier; despite his seemingly cold demeanor, Hubert cheers her up.

Kurtz refuses to terminate the operation, and a battle ensues between he and the party. Afterward, a malfunction from a machine attached to the Valkynes Criath costs him his life as he cuts the power. Richard appears, again, and drains that Valkynes Criath, leaving as quickly as he came. After learning of Lastaria, Asbel and company return to Anmarcia and study the records there, picking up a name: Lambda.

The party heads to the central island, where they once again confront Richard. He drives them out by enclosing the area in a cocoon, but not before "breaking" Sophie with a blow that leaves her blinded and in pain despite Hubert and Cheria's efforts to heal her. They seek a cure on Fodra, the neighboring planet, and reach their destination with the help of an Anmarcia-made shuttle and Pascal's sisters. There, they meet Emeraude, who recognizes Sophie as a Humanoid sent to Efinea in order to destroy Lambda. She fixes Sophie in the Cornel Research Institute, where Sophie's feelings and memories materialize in the process. At the very end, a materialization of the monster from seven years ago appears, revealed to be Lambda, whom the party defeats, effectively curing Sophie with its fall.

Emeraude explains that Lambda is a demon, though a hologram of he and another man, Cornel, that appears begs to differ. But the party sides with her in the matter, and they return to Efinea with her in tow after retrieving an additional part for the shuttle. They confront Richard again, and Sophie is intent on fulfilling her duty by taking Lambda down with her. However, Emeraude takes Lambda into her own body and has her plan backfire as the "demon" destroys her from the inside out. Richard beckons him back inside his body, then heads to Lastaria. Asbel and company have no choice but to flee into the shuttle, where an argument erupts over Sophie's decision to throw away her life.

Back in Lhant, the group disperses around the territory. Asbel has a "heart-to-heart" with his brother, and Hubert accepts Kelly as his mother again. The next day, the party heads to Ghardia Shaft and learns more about Lambda's past as they progress deeper. They realize that he knew nothing but rage and sorrow due to a series of unfortunate events, especially following Cornel's untimely death. They also learn that it's thanks to Lambda that Richard is still alive, having been poisoned by his treasonous uncle, Cerdic, those seven years ago.

When Asbel and company finally reach Lastaria, they have one last battle with Richard, who believes he might create a world free of conflict by erasing all humans. After his defeat, he begs that they kill both him and Lambda, after which Lambda is forced to abandon his host and lashes out at the party. Left with seemingly no other choice, Sophie means to destroy him along with herself, but Asbel interferes and takes the "demon" into his own body. Horrified, the rest of the party kneels beside his prone body. His friends listen as he has a mental conversation with Lambda and tries to convince him that there is good in humanity. The battle ends as Asbel cries out for Lambda to live.

March 2011
02: OOC I
06: Entry I
10: OOC II
12: OOC IV
13: Pascal
17: Lambda
19: Log I + Rydia
24: OOC V
25: OOC VI

April 2011
05: Asbel
10: AC IV
18: HMD IV
21: Ion
22: Log II + Asbel
30: Sophie

May 2011
04: Entry II
07: Asbel
09: Cheria

June 2011
06: The Doctor (11)
09: Pascal
13-17: Log III
13: Pascal
15: Hope, Naoto
20: Naoto
24: Rydia
25: Richard
29: Pascal

July 2011
03: William
07: Log IV + Richard and Pascal/ Lina
16: Asbel & Richard
17: Hakumen, Rydia
18: Cheria, Ion
20: OOC IX
24: Richard

August 2011
03: Cheria
10: AC VI
16: Noel
18: Log V, HMD VI
20: OOC X
23: Malnosso/Sophie
24: Log VI
Pre-25: Log VII
25: OOC XI, Log VIII + Lina/ Asbel/ Hakumen/ Ion

September 2011
12: Tear
15: Rise, Poland, Malik
16: Naoto
25: Cheria
30: Log IX

October 2011
05: Roxas
07: OOC XV, Entry III
14: Sophie & cast
22: Lightning
23-30: Log X + Tear
23: Isamu
26: Rydia
28: Shikamaru
30: Log XI + Pao-lin/ Giles/ Naoto/ Fuuko
31: Log XII

November 2011
03: Entry IV w/ Asbel
06: OOC XX
14: OOC XXI, OOC XXII, Richard
15: Pao-lin
17: Rise
19: Ion
20: OOC XXIII, Log XIV + Rin
25: Log XV
25/6-30: Log XVI
26: Lightning
27: Isamu
29: Pao-lin

December 2011
13: Log XVII
25: Pao-lin

→ now at

!out of character, game: luceti

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