002 [ action/written ] "Show me yo' records."

May 04, 2011 17:49

[Shortly after breakfast, Hubert pays the library a visit. There, he browses for anything he deems useful and surrounds himself with as many historical documents as he can pull out. Some background knowledge never hurt, no matter how outdated and unrelated. (His eyes also drift to another section now and then, though a shake of his head is enough to get him back on track each time.)

And that's where a good many hours pass, at a lone table in the back of the library until he calls it a day and heads back to House #28 around late afternoon. He suspects they've had lunch without him, but he'd already rescheduled around that in favor of reading. He can always eat later, anyway.

Once Hubert shuts himself in his room, he leaves a quick message on the journal. He's loathe to use it in the first place, so he may as well keep it short.]

I would like to know if there are existing records of Luceti's military history, particularly in regards to the drafts.

Alternatively, verbal recounts would be suitable as well.

[Truth be told, he would vastly prefer written facts over hearsay or stories, but he isn't in the position to be picky -- as giving as the general public is, based on his observations.]

- written, c: richard (ledbythewind), c: asbel lhant (raizanshou), game: luceti, c: albert silverberg (chikaidestroyer), !in character, - action

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