jittery photo girl

Jan 07, 2005 06:22

I am rather nervous about having changed my major. It's typical of me to do all the worrying and consideration and reconsideration after my whatever has been done.

Just in case you missed my whimsical inclination to wax poetic about a camera, then write one line about My Life, I changed my major from graphic design to digital photography. When I started at that place, they didn't have a photo degree or I would've gone for it right away. And I always preferred illustration to layout. It's not much of a stretch.

The lady who changed my major and signed me up for classes told me that once I've got the AA in photo, I could probably go on to a BA in graphic design, considering all the classes I took in that. I'd asked if, once I was done with this, I could go back and finish graphic; she looked at me like I was insane and said "You could just go on to the bachelor program with what you've got here." Whee! I shall be an eternal student, yes precious, YES!

Getting that done took five hours and I still have more papers to fill out and people to see. I brought the Agfa (which is named Lucky, since it kind of was a good-luck object) with me, and flipped all its switches and pulled all the levers while I was sitting around waiting for my name to be called. Wound up in an interesting conversation with some guy about old cameras and how Digital Just Ain't The Same. He was switching from photo to graphic. Odd.

This term looks to be an interesting one. I've technically got four classes, but two of them combine into one session, and they're all in the afternoon. The prereqs and gen-eds transferred over successfully, so I'm free of things like English and Intro to Photoshop. (If I had to take that "Interpersonal Communication" class again I would've hurt myself.) I will be taking:

History of Art and Photography, along with Career Development for Photographers: this is the two-for-one class, and I have no idea what a career development class will be. The registrar lady told me they're both lectures. I can get into art history easy, and I figure the lushly illustrated textbook will get me through the dry lectures about how it's so hard to break into the photo industry and we're all insane.

Photography Foundation. I have no idea what this is. Really, no clue.

And the prereq this time around is... Critical Thinking. I think I can handle a bunch of Florida kids trying to sound smart. Been doing that all my life.

The biggest question for me (and something I should've asked earlier) is what I'll be asked to shoot with. A digital camera that can do what my Nikkormat does is way, way out of my price range. A Nikkor lens with good film and good scanning (which Golden Triangle, thankfully, does) is, I expect, an acceptable alternative. Any photo teacher worth their title would think so. I may have to put the gorgeously grainy Tri-X away for a while, but we do what we must.

A sign of how much happy this is causing: I've been humming Beatles songs to myself.
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