(no subject)

Feb 29, 2008 16:23

I'm trying to do my tax return so I can fill out my FAFSA and get some financial aid next semester. It's so boring that I'd actually rather be cleaning my trashy apartment. *sigh*

In other news, just before I left for the Obama rally, some girl came to my door trying to sell me magazine subscriptions. She looked kind of raggedy (scraggly hair and wearing a baggy sweatshirt), but I've had similar people come to my door for the same reason, and they all start off the same way. It's always something about doing a confidence building or to win a trip somewheres.

Well, like I told all the other ones, I'm broke. I'm not buying no damn magazines. She was "cool" with that and explained to me she just does it so she can travel.

All this time, I thought these kids were coming from some youth center or church or something in the area. Turns out, they're kids from other states (and some international) who do this to "travel" and make some money. So apparently, my apartment complex is on their list of places to panhandle, because I've had at least 3 others come to my door in the almost 2 years I've lived here.

Anyway, she asked to use the bathroom, and even though I didn't want to let her, I consented (she did look raggedy), but I followed her to my bathroom and waited outside the door.

She was only in for a few seconds and we chatted for a couple minutes before she left.

Anyhow, I remembered this episode of Law&Order where a group of teens doing the same thing would end up stealing from the houses after they asked to use the bathroom.

The only expensive things I have in my bathroom are my two flatirons one is $150 the other is $120. Both were still there (phew!).

BUT something told me to check my toothbrush. I don't know why, but I just had a feeling. I touched the bristles and my toothbrush was wet! It was wet! I brushed my teeth before my 9 am class that day and it shouldn't have still been wet at 4:30 in the afternoon!

So I took the head off and tossed it in the trash. Fucking bitch. I should have told her ass to get the hell off my doorstep. And now I've got to go wast $5 to replace a perfectly good toothbrush head. 5 bucks. That's one large pepporoni pizza!

Furthermore, I'm leaving my bedroom light on at when I'm not home AND locking my bedroom door. She may not have taken anything herself, but that doesn't mean she's not going to let some of her other buddies know what goodies I have in my apartment

Thankfully my roomies are good about leaving all the doors and windows locked. I'm okay with being paranoid for a while if it means I won't get my shit stolen.
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