Busy, busy, busy

Dec 04, 2005 09:54

My parents left for Nigeria on Friday. We'll be going in a couple of weeks. NOT looking forward to it.

I did SOOO much shopping yesterday. I was out for about 6 hours. I feel like I walked 5 miles around two malls. My feet, my back, my legs, are S-O-R-E. You know what the best part is? I was ALL for ME! I ain't doing NO Christmas shopping for anyone but ME this year.

I got me some new sheets, a couple of extra pillows and an egg crate for my bed. I slept on my new bed for the first time last night, and it was heaven. I love the sheets I bought, but it took me forever to find some sheets to match the purple satin ones I already had. The new ones are more lavendar, but they are a nice match.

I like buying stuff for my dinky apartment. I still don't have much, and I don't want to buy alot of stuff because I'm not going to live here for more than a few years. But still, I love buying stuff for my room. I got these lights from target, but I don't know what to do with them yet. I'll figure something out eventually.

I also got some great jeans on clearance at Old Navy for 15 bucks each. Heck yes! I picked up some other stuff there, I really needed some new jeans and I'm SO glad I got them.

Oh yeah, and here's my t.v. I put a DVD next to it so you can see just how fucking huge it is. It's b-i-i-i-i-g.

I'm so happy I finally got it. I've been trying to get it for MONTHS and now I'm reaping the fruits of my labor. More proof to all the non-believers out there that freeipods and other sites like it really, actually work.

Well, I ought to get started on my schoolwork.....but I'm probably just going to lay in bed some more. Did I say how much I love my new bed?

shopping, free prizes

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