w00t! I just submitted my account for approval on
freeflatscreens. Assuming all goes as planned, I should be getting one of these babies:
A 27" Sony Wega flatscreen television. I've been holding off on buying a t.v. for my room in case I could get my hands on a free one...and it looks like I am!
This t.v. will make the THIRD free gift I've gotten from
freepay nee gratis network. I have gotten a free
ipod shuffle (sold that baby on eBay) and a free computer from
freedesktoppc. Speaking of my free comp, here are some pictures:
Yeah, it GLOWS! I LOOOOOVE this machine I tell you! I had to buy the monitor seperately, but my mommy pitched in $120. So I only paid about $150 for it. I could have gotten a cheaper (and smaller) monitor, but I had my heart set on a flat-panel LCD--and I didn't want it to be smaller than 15". Honestly, I didn't realize that 17" would be so BIG, but considering my laptop's monitor was like, 13 fucking inches, I guess any monitor seems big to me.
Until I got this computer, I didn't realize just how many Sony electronics I actually have, which is GREAT because they all plug seamlessly into my new comp. I can take the memory sticks from my camera and plug them straight into the front of my computer. No more messing with cables in order to transfer cam pics! I can't even look at my dinky old laptop without cringing. It's a Sony Vaoi, too, but it's old as hell.
This is an older pic of my laptop (from when I was still living on-campus):
Bah. I'm so glad that my stick-to-it-tiveness paid off! Did I mention my old laptop only had 20 gigs of space on it and this has 70 gigs? (They promised me 80, but whatever) 70 gigs all to myself! Man. I love this thing more and more every day!
Here's hoping I get that t.v.!