Hey look, I'm posting! 14 months!

Sep 05, 2012 10:13

Anya is 14 months old!

Let's see, a lot has happened, so bullet form:
  • Walking!  Anya is now cautiously walking.  Silly thing.  I hear about all this, "once they take a step, they're running in a week" stuff...and I laugh and laugh.  She still takes 3-4 steps then stops.  And she's been doing that for about a month now.  She's just so careful.  It's cute.
  • Weaning!  We've completely weaned since about 13.5 months.  She did great, I did great, and it really was just the right time.  She only had a few mornings of strangeness, then it was hunky dory. 
  • Talking!  She's added a bunch of new words to her vocabulary (which might be why she isn't working too hard on walking, but I digress).  She now has "kitty," "cat," "bye bye," "hi," "all done," "apple," "up," and sometimes mama and dada, but those are few and far between.  She tries out new words every day and I know I'm missing some that I should be reinforcing.  I'm trying to pay attention! 
  • Trips!  We took our trip home and had a great time!  She played with cousins and grandparents and aunts and uncles and did really great.  We drove the zillion hours (took two days) and now that we've done it twice, we know what we're doing now.  But, next trip will probably be flying, so...
  • Anxiety!  Ok, maybe no exclamation point for that...  Anyway, Anya had MAJOR separation anxiety around 12-13 months.  It was painful.  I couldn't put her down pretty much.  She clung to me like I was the only air in the room.  But, it has gotten better!  The trip helped (she actually went to grandmas and even an aunt!).  And it has only gotten better.  She still prefers me, but doesn't put up quite as much of a fuss when going to Daddy. 
  • Growing!  She is now around 19 pounds and I know she's gotten taller.  So, yay!  (I think this makes her no longer in the 1st percentile, but we'll find out at her 15 month appointment later this month.)
So, we're good.  I'm sure there's more to post about, but those are the big ones.

I'll post pictures later!

anya, travel, nursing

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