sick girl

Jul 13, 2012 10:27

Anya is sick.

I woke up this morning before her and decided to go check on her.  She was laying in her crib and stirred when she heard me come in.  She tried to get up on all fours and fell sideways, knocking her head against the side of the crib lightly.  She lay back down, but kept trying to get back up, even though she couldn't quite get herself up.  I went through the morning routine and fed her.  She fell asleep nursing, which is unusual in the morning.  I picked her up and started to carry her out of the room, and she vomited in my arms.  So, we cleaned up, and I brought her out into the living room and held her.  She started talking and sitting up, so I carried her around the house, where she threw up again.  We cleaned up again and I brought out a quilt for her to lay on in the living room.  She immediately laid down and just stared off into space.  I gave her an easily-cleaned-up toy and she held onto it while I rubbed her back.  She sat up once or twice, but always lay back down.  Then, she threw up a little bit on the quilt.  So, I changed the quilt and she lay back down...she's now sleeping.  Let's hope the vomiting is done.  Ew.

In a nutshell, she threw up three times and is napping now.  She's very sluggish and hasn't played yet.  I offered water, but she didn't want any.

She also does not have a fever.  I'm guessing it's a light stomach virus, but who knows.  If any other symptoms show up, I'll call the doc.

Poor girl.

anya, sick

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