
Mar 08, 2012 12:13

A lot of the 9 month clothes Anya received were bought for cooler weather.  Nearly all of the onesies she has are long-sleeved.  So since Anya is now a size below her "age size", I'm going to have to do some cutting!  She's been wearing her 6-month clothes since she was 3 months old.  I've got some short-sleeve onesies that are 9 months or 6-12 months.  After she was born, she was in her diaper most of the summer, or just a onesie.  I'm pretty sure I can alter all of her onesies.  Unfortunately, all the cute pants she got will probably go unworn.  Eh...we'll put them in a box for safe-keeping.  Though, I'm sure some of them can be turned into shorts...

Anya's also still in size 2 diapers.  We've got one box left and she'll move up to 3's after that box is done. 

anya, clothes, diapers

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