Funny story and whoa, 8 months!

Mar 06, 2012 21:17

This morning, I woke up from a dead sleep at 5:30.  What woke me up was hearing crying from a distance.  I practically leaped out of bed and cursed myself for forgetting to turn the monitor on.  Scott woke up too and said, in a stupor, "She's crying."  What pulled me out of my sleepiness was the strangeness of her didn't sound like her and was worried at what she was crying about.  As I rushed closer to Anya's room, I noticed that the crying was getting softer.  I opened the door, and peered into her crib.  Anya was sleeping soundly.  Turns out, our neighbor kid was crying at the top of their lungs and it woke us up.  My monitor was on...  I walked back into our room and announced to Scott, "Not our kid."

Wow, I can't believe this kid is 8 months old.  We've been doing good with solids and I'm planning on trying to get her to drink breast milk from a sippy cup this month.  This only-drinking-from-the-tap thing is challenging.  And, I have decided to take several gigs next month that would require her to eat a meal or two without me.  So, therefore, giving it a try.  That means pumping for me, but I've been pumping every few days for her cereal.  So, it would just require me to pump a little more.

I weighed her last week and she's now at 15 lbs 5 oz.  So, she's gained from her 6 month weight (14lbs6oz).  She's still on the very low end, but that's her genetics at work, I'm sure.

She's babbling constantly, wiggling all around, and plays by herself really well.  I make a point to let her amuse herself for at least 10 minutes a day to give her some alone-time.  I thought she wasn't even close to crawling, but her rolling around and pushing with legs and such, she's closer than I thought.  She can sit with no support for nearly an hour.  She can pick up very small things with her index finger and thumb.  She's been banging away on her toys.  I love her little talking that she real words yet, but some great consonants and vowels.

We hung out with our friend that was born at the beginning of January.  She's adorable and we had a great time with her and her mommy.  We also hung out with our friend that is due at the end of May with another little girl.  There are so many girls in the music department!  :)

Some pictures!

So much on her face!  This is at the very beginning when we were figuring it all out.  :)  She's much less messy now and still helps me with the spoon.  She's so cute.

This was her Valentine's Day picture.  :)

crawling, anya, lol, work, sleep, nursing, food

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