Anya - Week Seven

Aug 12, 2011 22:13

So, this week, I had my 6-week appointment with my doctor.  I hadn’t seen her since before Anya was born, so it was nice to catch up.  She gave me the a-ok on everything, so I guess I’m healing well.  Everyone who sees my incision (which is only medical professionals and my husband…thankyouverymuch) has commented on how clean and perfect it is.  Well, then it should disappear then!  (OK, I know it won’t, but they say it should heal so well that it will hardly be seen…not that it really matters.)

Nursing has gotten even shorter.  She’s taking a little less than 10 minutes per side and it’s only taking about a half hour to nurse each time.  Though, she’s still going about every 4-6 hours, usually 4 (and 5 at night).  Unfortunately, the end of this week, her poop output changed.  YEP, it’s the poop talk.

So, her poop had been pretty normal (I think it was 3-5 poopy diapers a day).  But, all of a sudden, it doubled.  And, turned green.  I decided to wait it out (instead of freaking out and calling the doctor) because she still seemed her happy-little-self.  She wasn’t in distress and there wasn’t any blood in her stool or anything.  And, her wet diaper output was still the same.  (Which made for a ton of diaper changes, let me tell you!)  By the end of the week, I had decided to start eating way less dairy, because of what I was reading in my books and such.  We’ll see how that goes.

So, now that it’s week 7, I realized that the summer is nearly over and I haven’t even THOUGHT about birth announcements or professional pictures.  We’ll have to do that sometime before September.  Eek.

anya, appointments, diapers, nursing

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