Anya - Week Six

Aug 12, 2011 21:47

The end of July…amazing.  I can’t believe that we’ve gotten this far already.

Anya’s been doing really well.  She’s had a good week and her nursing is now 4-6 hours apart and she’s taking about 10 minutes per side.  So, she’s becoming much more efficient.  This week, she had her second-ever bottle.  Her first was the evening I went to a movie with a friend the weekend of the 16 (so end of week 4).  I got some pumped milk all ready to go, and it turned out she slept the whole time and didn’t need it.  But, since we had prepared for it, I watched Scott give her the bottle.  And, no troubles.  She ate just fine and didn’t bat an eye.   The end of this week, I had a gig (first gig since the baby…and 2 months since I last played my violin…I was - in a word - rusty).  So, I left some milk just in case and went to the gig.  I honestly didn’t think she’d need it, but when I got home, it sounded like she had had a rough time of it without me.  So, he was in the middle of feeding her when I got there.  And, it turned out, there wasn’t enough.  I ended up finishing with nursing after she had drank all there was in the bottle.  I haven’t really done very much pumping.  I don’t like it much (I guess, who does!?), but I want to have a tiny stash just in case.  I won’t be pumping so much anyway, (because I work from home) and will only need to pump for the times I am out gigging or in the middle of a line of students.

I also went to the dentist this week.  I hadn't been since I got pregnant (I know, I know...bad Mia!).  I have been noticing that my gums were extra tender, but I got the confirmation from the hygienist and the doctor that they are extra puffy.  Pregnancy can do that to you.  So, they both said to be extra diligent about the flossing and it should take care of itself.

anya, nursing

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