last sonogram

May 28, 2011 10:13

We went in for our 37-week appointment yesterday.  My doctor wanted a sonogram to check the size of the baby and fluid levels, mostly because of the whole thyroid issue.  Everything is normal and baby is measuring at 6 lbs 6 oz. right now.  (So, I'm sorry, people who guessed that this girl will weight less than 7 lbs at birth...then again, these measurements can be off by 2 lbs either direction...sooo who knows!)  We got to see all sorts of fun stuff like alien face again, leg bones, arm bones, rib cage, heartbeat, kidneys, spine, hands, and they checked sex again.  Still a girl.  :)  It was neat.  I did do a cervical check (owie) and my doctor says I'm 50% effaced, but no dilation yet.  She was really pleased with the weight of the baby and the fluid levels.  She says I'm perfectly capable of delivering vaginally with this size of baby and she was also saying that I definitely have another appointment before having the baby.  So, I go in next week (on Wednesday) for my next appointment.

We went out to lunch in between the sonogram and the doctor appointment and it totally screwed with my weight measurement, I'm sure.  I've always had my appointments in the morning and this one was so different.  On Wednesday, I'll have my normal time, so weight will be better measured.  Also, my blood pressure was different than normal and the nurse was confused.  But, after my doctor saw the numbers, she said that everything was okay.  So, we'll see what happens to my blood pressure on Wednesday as well.

Let's the land of home stuff...  We picked up another small package of newborn diapers because after hearing the size of this baby, I realized we might need at least a few days worth.  I'm sure we'll probably go for more after the baby's born.  I'm really not sure.  A lot of people talk about the fact that they can't go by weight, they have to go by fit.  So, who knows what size this kid'll be in?

Sleeping has been more difficult lately.  My hips were really aching last night.  I suppose that's a good sign...I've got to fit something through there...stuff loosening up...yikes.  I also had some strange dreams last night.  I should have written those down.  I don't remember them now.  The cat has also been a little more needy at night.  She slept right by my belly last night, so I couldn't roll over without squishing her.  Poor thing, I must have pushed her off the bed 4 or 5 times.  She still kept coming back.

List of stuff to do this next week:

- Finish cleaning guest room.
- Organize music room for summer.
- Wash the rest of baby clothes, 0-3 months.
- Write up document of important phone numbers and people to take to hospital.
- Keep working on baby scrapbook.

tests, doctors, dreams, planning, timeline, thyroid, appointments, symptoms, pre-baby

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