
Mar 10, 2011 11:40

It's getting real, people.

I just got back from my doctor's appointment today.  They did the Gestational Diabetes test (without telling me about it in, so we'll see what becomes of that.  That drink is potent!  She also asked about swelling and fluid retention.  I haven't noticed any swelling, but I have noticed a slight change in my eyesight.  It was hard to read music a few weeks ago at my symphony rehearsal, so I've been wearing my glasses more often.  She said it was due to fluid retention.  She commented on my little bump, but said my fundal height is fine.  I gained 1 whole pound since the last appointment.  She didn't seem worried.

After I saw her, she told me to go pre-register at the hospital.  So, I headed downstairs and registered.  It's weird having to sign things for an unborn child.  I paid the fee for the delivery and I was told I can call in and get in some classes.

So, I'm pre-registered, and I have signed pieces of paper saying that I'm a parent.  How weird is that?!

testing, planning, awe, appointments, doctors

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